Fletcher & Dumergue (Aus) v Grimsley & Rothman (USA)

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Start of a new day, looking cloudy.  Rain forecast, so we have to hope for the best.  Lght rain overnight, but I don't think it has affected conditions much as the lawns were soft anyway.  The lawns were timed at 11 sec again at the end of play yesterday, and I don't think they will be much different this morning.

Fletcher sends K to E boundary.

Grimsley sends R to duffer tice position, a bit short - maybe a yard short of H6.

Dumergue shoots at K with B, misses to C4.

Rogue html deleted!

  Dumergue   Fletcher
  Grimsley   Rothman

Sorry about the html - teething problems with Phil's graphics!

Y hits R, sends to mid E boundary, with rush on K to C4.  Looks like a C4 cannon.  Plays the big cannon, sends K to 3 yds E of H2, but B only gets half-way to H1.  Rolls to the hoop - short, I don't think he has a hoop shot.

Y returns to 1 yd S of R on E boundary.

B (at H1) shots at K.  Hits, rushing to boundary behind H2.

Thick take-off to R/Y, leaving K halfway between H2 and C2.  Should get a break out of this.

Rushes R most of the way towards C1, has a 7yd approach to H1.  Gets position 6" in front of hoop.  Gets forward rush which he takes to H6.  Splitting to H3 going to Y which must be 3 yds off the line.  Gets rush towards peg.  Should be no problem from here.

B (Dumergue) is on controlled break, just made H5.

K and Y have been positioned at the peg prior to making 2b off R.  Are we having a 3b leave?

Made 2b with a rush on R to W boundary, max length position.  Takes off to Y.  Positions at peg for diagonal spread.  Yes, he is not intending to make 3b, just having the spread.  I can't see why they would be so worried about a tpo on Dumergue, leaving Robert Fletcher to play the end-game.

3b 1 1 1

Red is lifted, and misses to C4.

Robert makes H1 with B at H2 and R still in C4.

Makes H3 with forward rush to H5.  B is rather wide of H4, looks nearer the boundary than the hoop.

Takes off to R in C4.  Hits R on the take-off, not sure if K would have gone off.  Rolls R out to mid-way between H4 and H5, gets rush on B.  Approach to H4 leaves B quite a long way behind - maybe 2 yds.  B bounces off 3b, goes to position 1 yd NW of hoop.

Robert is having second peel attempt after H5, going to R at H6.  Must be every bit as long a peel as the last try.  Y is between H6 and peg.  Peel succeeds this time, but B stays 1 yd behing 3b.

Rushes R back towards B after H6, but gets the wrong side of B.  Stops it across to 2b.  Hits B and rolls it to 4b going to Y.  Gets good rush to 1b.

Positions Y and B at 4b before going to make 2b off R.  Y looks a bit far S of 4b for comfort to me.

Gets his rush back to 4b after 2b.  Jawses B, gets a rush to 3b, but there is about 2yds between the balls.Rushes well wide of 3b, but approaches well.

Doesn't get forward rush after 3b.  Rolls to 2 yd S of penult, going to B which he rush-peels.  R is half-way between penult and 4b.  Rolls B to good position about 1 yd in front of penult, with rush to 4b.

Light rain has started.  Lets hope it passes over.

Puts R to 2 yds wide of peg.  Y to short position N of penult, and maybe 1 ft to the side.  Irish peels well, B about 2 yds in front of rover.  Longish roquet back to Y which he hits no problem.  Should finish now.

Fails to get good rush on B, but cuts to 2 ft in front of rover.  Irish peels.

Aus win +26qp

Test Score
Match Score

Rothman plays Y goes to 2 yds W of peg.  Fletcher plays K shoots from C1 gently.  Ends 2 yds E of H6, and a bit S of it.  Grimsley shoots and misses into C1, about 2 yds out on S boundary.

  Dumergue   Fletcher
  Grimsley   Rothman

B rushes R to mid E boundary, and sends to H2 getting rush on K.  Easy break opportunity.

Gets poor rush on Y which he cuts to the boundary in front of H1.  Makes H1 with all the balls.

B is approaching H5 with break under full control.

The sun has just broken out, but Phil takes the cue to put his jumper on.

B is just making 1b.  Will we see another 3b leave?

Yep, heading for a spread with R at the peg, he is not going to make 3b.

He seems to have completed the spread, but left the rush for B and not K.  Not sure what that was about.

Y shoots and misses into C4.  Wouldn't it have been better to move the peg ball?

Fletcher cuts B into C4, and gets a cannon.  Good cannon, getting within 1 yd of H1 and sending B to 7 yds in front of 4b.  No H2 pioneer, but R is at the peg.

Gets rush on R towrds B, not H2.  Rushes B to H2. Y is 1 yd S of H3, R 7yds S of H3.

Setting up for the 3b peel, all under full control.

Not a good approach to H4, blue goes a bit wide.  Peeling from 1 yd, angled.  B bounces an inch or two back from the jaws.  Should be able to rush peel later.

Robert's looking at the angle of B on 3b - must be more angled than it looked from here.

Sends Y to 4b, getting rush peel position on B.  Peels no problem, getting it most of the way to 4b.  Splits to 4b going to his H6 pioneer.  Y is in a good position to rush to 1b after peeling.

Doesn't get rush after H6.  Leaves R near 4b getting rush to peeling position.

Jawses B, getting rush to 1b.  splits Y to 3b after making 1b, but goes well past B.  Calls referee to watch the longish angled roquet of B in hoop.  Hits B without peeling it but it somehow stays in the jaws.  Peels getting rush on R to 2b.

Gets rush back after 2b, sets up R and B at penult before going to Y at 3b.  R i a bit too far N of penult for comfort.

Makes 3b with no forward rush.  Rolls to B, Y goes 2 yds S of penult.  Peel attempt from about 2 yds in front of penult, which gives him room to get rush on R.  B bounces off penult and to the side.

Makes 4b and sends R level with peg.  Sets up straight irish peel, 1 ft in front.

Peels B which gets to peg high.  K just claws its way through, and has hampered shot at Y which is 2ft to the side.  Hits.

Rushes B to 2 yds in front of rover, perhaps a little more.  Y is a good deep ball, R to side.  B fails to go through, and K goes very close to it, maybe only an inch from B.

A referee is called, as he rushes B through the hoop, but fails to run with K which bounces to the side.  Aparently there were about 2" between the balls.

Red is lifted, roquets Y, and croquets Y to just past H2 going to the 2 balls at rover.  Gets rush on B to H1.  Easy break opportunity.

peg rov 1 1

R is approaching H4 with break under full control.

Ben is hovering on the lawn, just in case Doug doesn't know how to run a break.

B is left on the back of H1 after making 2b. 

K is sent to max length position on W boundary, but goes a bit short, maybe 6 yds off yd line.  Lays rush for Y to K on E boundary.

peg rov 4b 1

K shoots at R/Y from where it lies.  Apparently it has a big double.  Hits Y.

Makes rover, but might have some difficulty getting a rush on B.  Cannons B with R, getting his rush.

Aus win, +26qp, +17.

Test Score
Match Score