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Guidelines for Club Handicappers

For duties of a Club Handicapper see Managing the Handicap System.

Club Handicappers should be familiar with the handicap system for which they are responsible: AC Handicapping and GC Handicapping.

Difficulties requiring the timely intervention of the Club Handicapper can be experienced with different types of competitive player, namely;

In order to reduce the likelihood of the above scenarios developing, the Club Handicapper should:

  1. Ensure that all newcomers to the game understand how to correctly complete their handicap cards and the criteria for qualifying games that should be recorded on the card. Also to explain how the handicap system works in relation to triggering a lower handicap and importantly, the relevant next trigger point for a player who loses their next few games and falls back through the same trigger point. Ensure spare handicap cards are available to all who may need them.
  2. Periodically check handicap cards to ensure that they are being completed correctly, that there are no mistakes, qualifying games are actually being recorded, there are no adding and/or subtracting errors and that changes in handicap have taken place at the correct trigger points and been noted on the front cover, dated and signed. Periodically, check that the handicaps of your club members are recorded correctly in the online Croquet England Directory. At a minimum, the Club Handicapper should check and sign-off every club member's card at least once a year, before the main season starts.
  3. Understand how to set an initial handicap for a new player as stipulated on the Handicapping pages of the Croquet England website.

    For AC, the relevant test is outlined in Bill Lamb's booklet The principles of handicapping - apply this to all relevant cases. The test is reproduced as Setting Initial Handicaps. Note: Club Handicappers may only set an initial AC handicap of above 8 (and if hey consider the player to be better than that, a National Handicapper should be consulted and he/she may set an initial handicap of 0 or above).

    For GC, the relevant 'Three Times Round' test is used. In the case of setting an initial GC handicap for established AC players, a conversion table is to be used. Both of these can be found on the page Setting an Initial GC Handicap page.

  4. Make and record handicap changes on a player's handicap card as required. Note that it is now the responsibility of the player themselves to ensure that their handicap is correctly displayed on the Croquet England website, and the Club Handicapper may need to assist them with this (technical help is available from the office if need be).
  5. Be familiar with Managing the Handicap System, which defines duties and explains the constraints and capabilities of a Club Handicapper.
  6. Identify and take appropriate action in regard to rapid improvers. For AC follow the terms found on the notification document HC2.