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AC Coaching Topics

AC Coaching Topics (Intermediate and Advanced)

These notes are to help AC coaches put together coaching sessions by picking from the ready-made groupings of topics.

2-4 topics can be covered in a 2-hour session, though some are 2 hours in themselves.

Intermediate Topics

Suitable for handicaps 12 and below (or those aspiring and nearly there).

Break Hygiene - Keep it Going

Hampered Shots

Pioneer Rushed to Non-Ideal Position

Basic Hoop Running

Tricky Hoop

Break Building - Get it Started



Back to Basics!

Perfecting the Croquet Stroke - Know Your Ratios

Know Thyself


3-Ball Ending

Practice Routines

Bisques and How to Deal with Them

Giving Lots of Bisques

Giving a Few Bisques

Receiving Lots of Bisques

Receiving a Few Bisques

Being an A-Class Player

Introduction to Advanced & Super-Advanced Play

Advanced Class: Opening and Leaves



Advanced Class: Peeling

Peeling Basics

"Perfecting" the Triple

Dave Kibble - February 2019