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AC Stroke Play: Lesson Cribs


Keep as a quick-reference in your pocket (and adapt to suit your style).

Roquets - Know What You Can Achieve

  • Check stance, grip, swing.
  • Importance of: stalking, swinging style, keeping head down, hitting ball in the middle.
  • Practice:
    • Roquet balls close together - count percentage of hits per 10 attempts.
    • Move further apart - at what distance do you lose 100% hitting?
  • Don't take short roquets for granted.

Hoop Running

  • Understand risk factors.
  • Running a straight hoop:
    • Check stalking, aim, force of shot, angle of mallet.
  • Running an angled hoop:
    • Check aim, range of possible angles, power, spin essential.
  • Practise controlled hoop running.
  • Know how well you can control straight and angled hoops.
  • Laws: 29.1.6 to 29.1.9 (double hit/"crush"/push)


  • Establish your personal ratio for drive shot.
  • This is the basis of all croquet shots and the most frequently used because it's the most accurate.
  • Place the striker's ball behind the croqueted ball the lines of centre pointing at the target. Hit as for a single ball.
  • Practise in pairs measuring ratio over different strengths of hitting.
  • Laws: 13, 14, 15: ball off court, replacing, etc.


  • Full-Roll
    • Both balls should travel more or less equal distances.
    • Hands should be at the bottom of the shaft; the angle of the mallet mallet will be around 45 degrees..
  • Half-Roll
    • Striker's ball should travel half the distance of the croqueted ball (check).
    • The vertical angle at which the striker's ball is hit determines how far it goes.
    • Lower hand should be half-way down mallet shaft.
  • Move feet forward, hands down the mallet shaft, tilting the mallet forward to the desired place.
  • Practise rolling from H1 to H5.

Split Croquet Shots: Take Offs

  • Each ball goes to a predetermined position.
  • Set up balls so the 'arrow' points to the target.
  • Practice in pairs for ease of ball retrieval - aiming at specific point e.g. H1.
  • Usefulness of the thick take off.
  • Note direction of movement of the croqueted ball and the distance it travels.
  • Law 29.1.13 - failing to move croqueted ball.

Other Split Croquet Shots

  • As for roll but the angle the mallet makes with the croqueted ball determines the direction of the striker's ball.
  • Aim at a spot half way between where you want the two balls to go.
  • Important: accuracy especially on longer shots.
  • Choose distant aiming points.
  • Guard against "shepherding" (29.1.6).
  • Note effects of drive shots / wide angle, etc.
  • Practice to specific points: at H4 go to H5 & H6; at H1 go to H2 & H3.

Hoop Approaches

  • Understand that split croquet strokes are inherently less accurate than a drive.
  • Be capable of running a hoop from any pioneer position.
  • Check line up for different pioneer positions.
  • Get striker's ball 30 - 40 cm in front of hoop and croqueted ball 2m to the front and side - explain why.
  • Practice at hoops trying simple shots first until confident.
  • Law 29 - all faults.

Straight Rush

  • Promotes croqueted ball to more advantageous position - be able to rush ball to specific point.
  • As for single ball shot - must strike the ball at the bottom of the swing or slightly on the way up so it skids along the ground.
  • If struck on the way down it may jump.
  • NB: we promote because striker's ball will be ball-in-hand - not to be used for shots that need accuracy, e.g. placing a pioneer.
  • Practise opposite partner for ease of ball return.
  • Balls 30cm apart.
  • Rush to specific points at different lengths.