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Golf Croquet Rankings

Golf Croquet Ranking System

The World Golf Croquet Grading System is maintained by the World Croquet Federation and is based on results from all tournaments and competitions played worldwide to the internationally recognised "Rules of Golf Croquet".

The general principle is that the results of all level-play GC singles games are eligible for inclusion in the GC Rankings if they are played in an Eligible Event and criteria relating to game duration and court size are met.

Richard Bilton is the WCF GC Ranking Officer and the Assistant Ranking Officer (ARO) for all results of tournaments held in England.

All events published in the Croquet England Fixtures Calendar are eligible for inclusion, any competitions organised by federations, and other tournaments may be too. The full eligibility criteria can be found in the WCF Ranking Regulations. If you are not sure if a game or event is eligible, please ask the ARO.

Results should be submitted in accordance with the instructions for Reporting Results and News.

For more information on the Grading System, visit the WCF World Rankings page.

Using the Ranking System

The Golf Croquet Grading System home page is split into several sections, which are for viewing the current records in different ways. Below are the main functions of the system.

The Ranking List

The first section is used to generate the current ranking list, the main purpose of the grading system - simply click 'Submit'. The default settings include everyone who has played 10 games in the last 12 months and has a Dynamic Grade (DGrade ) of at least 1200.

Showing only players who represent or live in a particular country is done by using the drop-down list to change the Country from 'World' to say 'England' or 'UK'.

Other filters can be applied to generate lists with only women, or just those over 50, or under 21.

There are also different ways to rank players. One of these is by the Maximum Dynamic Grade achieved in the past 12 months (Max. DG), which is used for the GC Open Championships and WCF events.


The next two sections generate lists of events either from a particular year or that contain the string of letters used to search for the event name. Both can be filtered by country and can be shown in date or reverse order.

Selecting an event from the list will show all the games that were played, the scores and what stage of the event they were part of. All the players that were in the event are listed at the bottom.


The last two sections are for viewing individual player records, either by searching by name (note that full or preferred names can be used) or by displaying the full player list (in alphabetical or code order).

The full listing for a player shows how many games they played in each year, along with the wins and percentage, and their DGrade at the end of the year. Selecting a year shows all the events and games they played in that year, as well as the scores and their DGrade after each game.

Below the table showing which countries the player has played in, there is a section which will generate their record against all their opponents - this can be shown in order of how many times they've played, how many times the player has won or by the percentage of wins.

Other Functions

The link at the very bottom of the home page leads to another two sections. The first will sort players by most games played, most in a calendar year, or highest win percentage. The second is used to display the players who have increased their DGrade the most in a calendar year, which defaults to a minimum change of 100.