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The " Dream Leave"

by Richard Hilditch, November 2003

A "Dream Leave" or "DL" is obtained on the 3rd turn of the game when the player leaves a rush for one of his balls from the maximum position (farthest point from baulk) on the east boundary to the 3rd ball near the maximum position on the west boundary. There is a threat of an easy 3 ball break even if the 4th turn player can hide his ball. It is a common leave after making 9 hoops on the third turn but can also be set if the player hits on the third turn but elects not to make hoops. The defensive flat shot through the infield ball to corner 4 can be difficult to make a break from if hit down to the south boundary (the Skinley error).

However I see that Phil has used it to describe a position with a ball near the peg. I would claim that is not a pure DL since the ball at the peg is nearer than the maximum position (unless it is very close to the peg) and the split to 2 is slightly more work.