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Managing a GC Tournament

Guidance for Managing GC Tournaments

The number of players a tournament can accommodate is usually determined by the number of courts available. Up to 4 players per court is considered to be manageable (eg. 16 players on 4 courts).

Most tournaments are held over one or two days. For a one day event, all matches would be single games. Two day events have the time for the knockout matches to be best-of-three games, and sometimes the blocks are best-of-three as well.

The size of the blocks should be such that there is a suitable amount of play on each day, and it is better if there are an even number of blocks and an even number of players in each block.

For advice on how to prepare for and run a tournament, you can watch the Tournaments Webinar, or contact the Golf Croquet Tournaments Committee who will be happy to help.

Downloadable Formats for GC Tournaments

The links below download tournament management documents that have been specifically designed for tournaments that contribute to the GC Series competitions, however they can be used for non-Series tournaments as well.

The aim is to have all GC Series tournaments using these documents. This will achieve uniformity with formats and management throughout the Series. For some player/day numbers, there is more than one format that can be used.

Each document is a multi-paged complete tournament resource, with 'order of play', blocks and knockout grids, together with full provision of 'plate' and other consolation games, which are encouraged. There is also a help page to guide managers on how to use both file formats.

The PDF versions are for Managers who prefer a 'pen and paper' approach.

The XLSM versions are 'self populating' as the Manager enters names onto the player list (making sure they are in seeding order) and scores onto the order of play, knockout and consolation sheets. These versions also include a rankings sheet, on which the tournament results are formatted according to the example on the Reporting Results and News page, ready to be sent for inclusion on the GC Grading System.

Simply choose the format that suits your tournament duration and number of players

Number of Players

One Day Tournaments

(used for B/C/D-Level Series)

Two Day Tournaments

(used for Championship, Open and A-Level Series)

12 Players

Two blocks of six (pdf)

Two blocks of six (pdf)

All Play All (pdf)

Two blocks of six (xlsm)

Two blocks of six (xlsm)

All Play All (xlsm)

14 Players

(for undersubscribed events)


7-round block (pdf)


7-round block (xlsm)

16 Players

Four blocks of four (pdf)

Two blocks of eight (pdf)

Four blocks of four (bo3 throughout) (pdf)

Four blocks of four (xlsm)

Two blocks of eight (xlsm)

Four blocks of four (bo3 throughout) (xlsm)

20 Players


Two blocks of ten (pdf)


Two blocks of ten (xlsm)

24 Players

Four blocks of six (pdf)

Four blocks of six (pdf)

Four blocks of six (xlsm)

Four blocks of six (xlsm)

32 Players

Eight blocks of four (pdf) Four blocks of eight (pdf)
Eight blocks of four (xlsm) Four blocks of eight (xlsm)

If there isn't a format available for your number of players and/or days, or you have any questions, please contact the Golf Croquet Tournaments Committee for advice.

If you would like a version of any of these formats for Advantage GC, with the starting scores included, or if you notice any errors in the files, please contact Richard Bilton.