Web Page Details and References
Title: Managing a GC Tournament
WebPageID: 55074 Owner: Tournaments Committee (Golf Croquet) - Last Validated: 07 Nov 2024Access Control: Public
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'GC Grading System'
'Reporting Results and News'
'Golf Croquet Tournaments Committee'
'Richard Bilton'
'Tournaments Webinar'
'Two blocks of six (pdf)'
One day, 12 players (2x6) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'Two blocks of six (pdf)'
Two day, 12 players (2x6) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'Two blocks of six (xlsm)'
One day, 12 players (2x6) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'Two blocks of six (xlsm)'
Two day, 12 players (2x6) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'7-round block (pdf)'
Two day, 14 players (7-round block) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'7-round block (xlsm)'
Two day, 14 players (7-round block) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'Four blocks of four (pdf)'
One day, 16 players (4x4) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'Two blocks of eight (pdf)'
Two day, 16 players (2x8) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'Four blocks of four (bo3 throughout) (pdf)'
Two day, 16 players (4x4) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'Four blocks of four (xlsm)'
One day, 16 players (4x4) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'Two blocks of eight (xlsm)'
Two day, 16 players (2x8) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'Four blocks of four (bo3 throughout) (xlsm)'
Two day, 16 players (4x4) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'Two blocks of ten (pdf)'
Two day, 20 players (2x10) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'Two blocks of ten (xlsm)'
Two day, 20 players (2x10) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'Four blocks of six (pdf)'
One day, 24 players (4x6) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'Four blocks of six (pdf)'
Two day, 24 players (4x6) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'Four blocks of six (xlsm)'
One day, 24 players (4x6) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'Four blocks of six (xlsm)'
Two day, 24 players (4x6) XLSM (Web Document - Public)
'All Play All (pdf)'
Two day, 12 players (1x12) PDF (Web Document - Public)
'All Play All (xlsm)'
Two day, 12 players (1x12) XLSM (Web Document - Public)

- Fixture: 'standard GC formats'
- Fixture: 'standard GC formats'
- Fixture: 'standard GC formats'
- Fixture: 'standard GC formats'
- Fixture: 'standard GC formats'
- Fixture: 'standard GC formats'
- Web Page: 'GC Management'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=ca/download
- Web Page: 'Managing a GC Tournament'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=tournament/caEvents/gcChampSeries
- Web Page: 'Managing a GC Tournament'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=tournament/management
- Web Page: 'Managing a GC Tournament'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=tournament/caEvents/gcOpenSeries
- Web Page: 'Managing a GC Tournament'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=tournament/caEvents/gcBLevel
- Web Page: 'Managing a GC Tournament'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=tournament/caEvents/gcCLevel
- Web Page: 'Managing a GC Tournament'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=tournament/caEvents/gcALevel
- Web Page: 'Managing a GC Tournament'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=tournament/caEvents/GcSeries
- Web Page: 'Managing a GC Tournament'
[/tournament/management/gc] /?p=tournament/caEvents/gcDLevel
The above list includes all online-editable content that links to this page.
Not included: links from, for example, uploaded documents.

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