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Croquet Competitions

2005 World Championship (clockwise from left): James Death, Reg Bamford, Robert Fulford (Photos: Samir Patel)

The huge number of events around the country will satisfy anyone who wants to play outside their club, whatever their standard.

This page gathers together tournament-related resources.


Croquet England compiles the Fixtures Calendar to list tournaments, courses and other events organised by Croquet England and its affiliated clubs. Most are individual-entry, but some are doubles or team events. See also:

Tournaments are run as handicap events, level-play events, or a combination. Most are singles events, although you'll find some doubles and team events too. Tournament singles game results count towards your handicap card under the Automatic Handicapping System, and level-play results are recorded in the international ranking system.

Winners of the main events are listed on the Honours Board.

Croquet England Fixtures Calendar events are not the only opportunities to play competitively - many players play in their club's internal competitions, or play for their club in regional Federation events.

Entering a Fixtures-Calendar Event

Most individual competitions are open to playing members of Croquet England Affiliated Clubs as well as Croquet England Affiliates; however, PremiumPremium, Overseas and Under 25Under-25 Premium subscribers are entitled to lower entry fees (as are overseas players claiming World Croquet Federation reciprocal rights).

Once the Fixtures Calendar has been published, online entry is available for fixtures at most clubs. If you are unable to enter online you should submit a Tournament Entry Form to the relevant Entries Secretary. Players who are not Croquet England Associates must register to use the online system. Any enquiries should be directed to the office.

New to Tournament Play?

Your First Tournament is a guide to entering and playing in your first tournament.

Some tournaments are particularly suitable for newcomers to competitive play. In particular, the All-England Handicap Tournaments (AC and GC) start off as an internal club competition each season, with qualifiers progressing to regional and then national finals.

Played for a while? Looking to Reach the Next Level?

The National Merit Award Scheme encourages enterprising play and raises skills.

Take a Coaching Course to level up your skills.

There are lots of opportunities to play representative croquet:

Useful Links

For Tournament Directors, Managers and Organisers

Tournament News and Results

Please refer to the notes on reporting results and news.