Beard (Aus) v Wright (NZ)

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Lawn 2. 2nd game on at 14:20.

Sorry, well behind with things.  Thanks to Martin Stephenson for notes on the games.

Kevin Beard R & Y

Michael Wright B & K

G1T1: B to E- boundary

G1T2: R to C2

G1T3: K misses B from A baulk

G1T4: Y hits K from A-baulk.  Has leave.

G1T5: B misses K.

G1T6: R has break.

G1T6: ... to 4-B, leaving K by H4, B near W boundary.

G1T7: Long lift missed.

G1T8: Y runs H1, but misses roquet afterwards to middle of N boundary.  R at H2, B (or K?) at H1.

G1T9: B or K shoots at partner in C4 and misses.

G1:  Lost track.  K about to lay up and for H2, having failed to get going. B still for H1, Y for 3 and R for 4-B.

G1: Clarke apparently played a wrong ball in a cannon.  Beard in play with Y.

G1: Beard peg and 4-B with OSL, B near W boundary, K SW of peg, R & Y on E boundary.

G1: K missed B from C1 to C2.

G1: R made 4-B but misses or goes off?

G1: Clarke has a break with K, B still for H1.

G1: Wright wins +4.

NZ 1 AUS 0

Lawn 2 Game 2.  Wright (NZ) one up.

Kevin Beard R & Y

Michael Wright B & K

G2T1: R to E boundary

G2T2: B to C2

G2T3: Y missed R

G2T4: K hits Y from A-baulk.  Made H1, but failed to get position for H2 and retired to C2.

G2T5: R hit Y.

G2T5: Runs H1, gets rush to B in C2 for a break.

G2T?: Kevin had straight rover peel for a TP to finish, but failed to get a rush on R to peg and miscut it, nudging B and staying S of Rover.  Pegout missed to just off N boundary.  Y was pegged out, leaving B & K both for H2. 

G2:K lifted to take the rush on R, but stuck in H2, leaving R behind but wired from it.

G2: R shot at peg and missed to C4.


Its going to be a late night ... the teams both wish to play the decider if necessary and possible.

G2: Michael now 2 & Peg, Kevin, for Peg olone, went to W Boundary after several diagonal attempts at hitting the peg missed narrowly.

G2: Michael eventually takes a second break round, but with all balls at rover fails to get a rush to the peg.   Pegs out from midway between H1 and H2 centre ball to huge relief from the gallery, to win +1.  Off to Bowdon for the BBQ now.


NZ 2 AUS 0

NZ| WIN TEST 13 - 8