Landrebe (Aus) v Lamm (USA)

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K to E boundary

R to C2 (about 1 ft S of corner)

B shoots at R, misses to 1 ft S - no double.

Y shoots at K - a 20 yds + shot.  Hits.

Y takes off from K, finds the jaws of H2.  Retires into C1.  Why didn't he just shoot at R in the first place?

B taps R, takes off to K which is a yard or two into the lawn.  Doesn't get a rush.  Takes off to Y in C1.

Rolls to H1, gets 2 ft in front and runs by 6".  Isn't hampered on Y, rushes it just past the peg.  Rolls Y behind 2 going to R.  Sends R to H3 approaching H2.  R goes halfway between H3 and H6, B has 2 yd hoop, straight.  runs by 6" again.  Hits Y.

Sends Y to H4, gets good rush on R.  Should be an easy break from here.

B is making 1b with break under full control.

Looks like a spread coming up.  R and K are at the peg as he makes 3b off Y.

Yep, good spread with R at the peg.

4b 1 1 1

R shoots and misses to 1 yd E of C4.

K makes H 3 and rushes Y to H5.  Takes off to R and sends it 7yds short of 4b getting rush on B to H4.

Sets up R and B at 4b before going to Y at H5

Light rain has started.

Peels B getting his rush to H6.

Leaves R at H6, takes off to B which he rushes to 1 ft to side of penult.  Takes off and makes 1b off Y.

R is in a nice position 1 ft SW of penult.  Sends Y to 3b getting a rush on B due N.

Cuts to 2 yds in front of penult.  Peel attempt jawses.  Rushes R 2 yds W of 2b.

Rushes R after 2b to short of H5, and just sends it to 4b without going to B.

Rushes Y to 5 yds to the W side of penult, and rolls to B.  Rush peels B to halfway between penult and peg, takes off to R at 4b.

Positions B nicely about 1 yd in front of rover, going to Y at penult.  Should be all over.

Irish peels at rover, from 1 ft dead straight.  Black stays in jaws but can run no problem.  Lamm takes the first +26tp

Test Score
Match Score

They keep the same colours.

R goes to E boundary.

K lays duffer tice, goes 1 ft past H6.

Y shoots at R from A baulk.  Hits.


Sends R 7yds S of H2, rushes K to 3yds in front of H1.  Approaches well, but runs to 6" through hoop.  I'm called on to referee as he plays a sweep to K, 5 yds away.  Clean, but misses.

B shoots at K/Y double, misses.

Y has 6 to 7 yd shot at both K and R. 

Opts to play R, and hits Y.

R makes H1, and sends K to H3 going to Y at H2.  B is still in C2.  Runs H2 to boundary and considers shooting at R but opts for the safe 1 yarder at Y instead.  Rushes 6 yds off the line and goes back to B in the corner.  Plays a reasonable split to K, gets a good R but B is nearer H5 than H4.

Sends K to peg after H3, getting rush on Y which he takes to H5.  Should be easy break from here.

R fails to run 2b, leaving K on h2 and R/Y at H1.

Lamm lifts B (I didn't see where from, but presumably near 3b).  Hits Y and sends it 2 yd N of H1.  Makes H1 and rushes R to W boundary opposite Y.  Easy break from here.

2 1 2b 2

Lamm is approaching H5, break under full control.

Rain has eased off now.  It never got heavy enough for the players to don waterproofs.

Lamm looks to be setting up a spread, with R and K by the peg as he makes 3b off Y.

Yep, spread with R at the peg.

4b 1 2b 2

Landrebe lifts Y, shoots from B baulk....

....misses into C4.

K rushes B a bit close to R, and ends up with a rush on R due N, which he over-cuts to 5 yds behind H1.  Takes off to good position and runs.  He has the 3-ball break now with Y still in C3

Under-rolls, sending R 8 yds short of H3, and a longish rush which gives him a 2 yd approach.  Runs H2 by nothing, not sure if he can hit B.

Opts not to try hitting B, and plays to N boundary behind H2.

R shoots at B and hits.

4b 3 2b 2

Rolls B to halfway between C2 and H2, getting no rush on K.  Taps it and rolls it to 2 yds off W boundary opposite H1.  Looks like he is wired from Y across H4.  Sends R off 2 yds N of Y.

B shoots at K.  Misses into C1.

R taps Y and takes off to B.  Sends B to H2, getting a good rush to 2b.  Rushes only half-way there, but plays a good approach.

Makes 2b and rushes K back towards H2.  sends it 3 yds WNW of H2, getting a rush on B which goes to the boundary in front of 3b.  Takes off to Y which is a yd or so off the yd line.  Gets rush to 3b and makes it long, leaving a 5 yd shot/rush back to B.  Hits it well, rushes behind B.

Sends Y a yard out of C4, rushes B to N boundary behind H2.  Rolls to 1 yd due E of H2, getting rush on K due W.  Cuts to boundary in a position which must be almost wired from B.  Obviously trying for a cross-wired leave.  Rolls K only a foot or so off boundary, I assume to be sure of the cross-wire. 

R shoots back to 2 yds wide of Y on S boundary.  Y is off boundary, so will have no useful rush.

B plays to just S of C3.

Y hits R to somewhere just off the end of A baulk.  He is looking at laying a wired rush to H2, wired from K across H5.  Changes his mind and takes off to K, moving R off boundary by 2yds, behind H4.  Hits K almost into C2, takes off to H2 1 foot in front.  Runs to boundary and has 5yd shot back to K which he hits.

Takes off back to R, too short for rush to H3.  Taps R and takes off to B in C3

Goes off lawn next to B in the take-off.

4b 3 4b 3

B leaves Y 2 yds out of C3 towards H3, going to K.  Rolls to W boundary level with H2, possibly wired from Y, and leaves rush towards H3.  Y is shooting at B/K so obviously not wired.  Hits the back ball K.  Must have had a double.

Sends K out 3 yds E of H2, rushes B off S boundary behind R.  Gets B to H4 and rush to H3.

Good rush, makes 3 and has a 2 foot peel attempt going to K near H2.  Peel goes 6" through.  No rush on K, rolls it to H5 leaving 3 yd rush on Y.

Sends B just N of H6 going to K at H5.  Gets rush after H5 to E boundary opposite 4b.  All looks like a standard TP from here.

Jawses R after making H6.  K is a bit deep towards N boundary in front of 1b, and consequently B only goes just over peg-high on approach to K.

Sends K as a good 3b pioneer, rush-peels R which only goes 2 yds through.  Plays god roll getting R 2 ft in front of rover, and a good rush on B.

That was supposed to be a good roll, its wasn't that godly.

Makes 2b, gets a good rush on R to peeling position 1 ft in front of rover.  B is a bit short of 4b, by perhaps 5 yds.  Peels R going to 3b.

Makes 3b, and gets rush on B to 4b with R at penult.  Should be easy finish from here.

Landrebe finishes to level the match -26tp, +15tp.

Test Score
Match Score

Lunch break.

They keep the same colours.  Missed the first few shots - Lamm is on third turn, and has just approached H1 off K with R 4 yds in front of H2.  Makes H1.


B runs H2, 3-ball break still looks untidy with K near H6.  Sends R 10 yds short of H4 getting his rush to H3.  Makes H3 and rolls from opposite H6.  Gets a reasonable rush to H4, beginning to look tidier now, should go round.

Just made H6, with 3-ball break under full control.

Finishes break under control.  Sends R to max length position by W boundary, but maybe 4 yds off the yardline.  Lays up with rush for K on E boundary.

4b 1 1 1

Rush was left pointing to mid N boundary, which gives Y a double from B baulk.  Misses to 2 yds S of K.

K hits Y and sends it 7 yds S of H3.  Rushes B to 4 yds SE of H2.  Takes off to R and gets good rush to H1.

Runs H1, and rushes R to H4.  Takes off to Y leaving R 2 ft in front of H4.  Rushes Y to B and sends it back to H3 with good rush on B to H2.

Makes H2, gets rush on B pointing at C4.  cuts it 7 yds S of H3 and rolls to peeling position 1 yd S of 4b but a bit to the E.

Peels B with a rush on Y towards R at H4.  B is 1 yd through 4b.  Standard TP from here.

Jawses B after H6, leaving a rush on R to NE.  Y is 2 yds E of 1b.

Makes 1b with a good R at 2b.  Sends Y a little short of 3b.  Rush-peels B which goes 2 ft to W of rover.

B is jawsed in rover going to Y at 3b.  R is a good pioneer at 4b.

Sends Y to penult and rush-peels B before going to R at 4b.  Should be all over now.

Somehow manages to rush B into jaws of rover trying to make sure of his rush on R which was a little S of the hoop.  Sends B on through hoop going to R.  No problem, but leaves a longer rush to peg out than he needed.  Copes.

Lamm wins +26tp -15tp +26tp

Test Score
Match Score