Maugham (GB) v Fletcher (Aus)

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A bit breezy this morning, and full cloud cover.  Chris has just told me the forecast is 20% chance of rain.

They toss the coin and it lands on its edge in the long grass.  They try again.

Maugham plays Y to supershot position.


U shoots at Y, misses, comes to rest almost on the peg.

R shoots at the double hard.  Hits U which bounces back off the peg and stays close to it.

Gets controlled rush on Y to H1, which goes 2 yds past.  Good approach and runs.  Sends Y to H3, gets poor rush on U pointing W.  Cuts it to 3 yds in front of H2.  Runs it.  He has his 3-ball break now.

Maugham has just run H4 with the break under full control.

Maugham runs H5 by 6" and is hampered on Y.   Plays a sweep and hits.

Maugham has made 3b and is having a 3 ducks leave.

1 1 4b 1

Fletcher shoots K from B baulk and misses Y to W boundary opposite rover.

Maugham has made H1 off K, U is at H2, R on W boundary where K was earlier.  Sends K to H6 going to R, which he rushes N a few yards.  R goes well to H3.  Standard tp from here.

Maugham peels 4b after H3.  U is nicely at H4, and he has full control.

The penult peel is from 1 ft in front, after H6.  Goes through peg high.  Full control still.

The rover peel is jawsed before 3b.

The peelee is ignored for the moment, he sends K to penult and goes to U at 4b.

The peel is completed with a rush after making penult, and R is sent to the peg before making rover.  Finishes for his first singles win of the event.  5th turn 26tp.

Test Score
GB 3 3 AUS
Match Score
GB 1 0 AUS

They keep the same colours.

Fletcher plays K to supershot position.

Y hits K full ball, and sends it 2 yds out of C2.  Retires to just out of C4.

U shoots at Y, misses.

R shoots at the double, hits.

Y is left in C2, rushes to H1 and makes it.  Rushes U to behind H2.  Rushes K just W of H2, sends it 6 yds E of the hoop on the approach.  Runs H2 to U.  Sends U to 4 yds N of H4, gets rush on K to H3.  Should have a break from here.

Makes H3, and takes off from K leaving it there, going to Y in C4.  Ends 3" inside the boundary.  Continues nonchalantly.

R runs H6 by very little, and has an awkward sweep.  Hits.  Continues his break.

Forster is leaving Y on the back of H1, trying to put it there from a yard away.  Y goes into a good position behind the hoop.  I guess he was trying to pop earlier, but didn't get the position.  He leaves U by H1 as well as he makes 3b off R.  I guess Y isn't where he wants it.

Sorry, ignore the last comment - wrong commentary syndrome!

Surprise surprise, Maugham goes for a MSL leave.  Get awkward as he takes off from U to make 3b, with U almost on the wire.  Has to position Y on E boundary before returning to position U.  Copes.

1 1 4b 1

Fletcher lifts K to A baulk and shoots at Y.  Misses.

R is rushed 5 yds into lawn, and K back to C4.  Plays good stroke and gets K well to H2 with rush to H1.  Gets rush E after H1, and sends U to H3 getting rush on R.  R goes to H3 too before he makes H2 off K.  All on for a standard tp.

Peels 4b after H3.  He has full control.

Peels penult after H6.  Still has full control.

R is jawsed in rover again before he makes 3b.

R is rush-peeled after 3b.  Goes to K which is 2 yds E of 4b, fails to get rush.  Has good approach and runs.

Maugham finishes a clinical match to win 6th turn, +26tp, +26tp.  Thats better!

Test Score
GB 4 3 AUS
Match Score
GB 2 0 AUS