Bast & Huneycutt (USA) v Chapman & Westerby (NZ)

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All ready for the new test.  Lawns I'm told are about 11 sec, was sunny a few minutes ago, but the clouds have come over now.  Showers are forecast.  We are just getting ready to start.

  Westerby   Chapman
  Huneycutt   Bast

R supershot 2yds SW of peg

K from C1 misses 3yds NE of peg

Y from centre B baulk through K to just outside C4

U C1 takes shot at double.  Goes through the middle to C3.

R shoots at Y in C4, misses

K shoots at U in C3, misses

R rushes Y to 3 yds W of H1.  Takes off to K/U in C3, goes off the lawn.

U rushes R to S boundary, takes off to Y!!  Takes off from Y to 2ft in front of hoop, and blobs it.  U is in jaws, Y has 3yd shot at Y half-wired.  R has 7 yd shot at U mostly open.

R shoots at U.  Misses to mid W boundary.

U runs h1, roquets Y to 2 yds S of U.  K is still 1 yd out of C3.

Sends Y well out towards H2, and gets good rush on R which he takes to K, cannoning into it.  Still manages to get a corner cannon out of it.  Plays a wafer cannon, R goes S of H3, maybe 3 yds off the boundary.  K goes behind H2.  Plays take-off and runs hoop to boundary.

U is now on controlled 4-ball break.  He has just run H4.

Aaron has made 1b, looks to be heading for a spread with Y at the peg.

Aaron makes 3b, and a discussion ensues on the lawn with all 4 players.  It seems 3b is very loose in the ground, and they agree it will be reset at the end on the break.  Aaron completes his spread.  R is virtually on the W boundary, max length position.  Y is by the peg.

Bast plays Y from C3, shoots but misses badly to go off alongside K.

Paddy puts Y 2 yds off the bounary, and rushes U to R.  He gets U 3 yds off boundary, well S of H3.  Makes H1 off R, and rushes to 7 yds S of Y.  Sends R to H3 getting rush on Y pointing back to H1.  Cuts it to W boundary 7 yds S of U.  Gets Y to H3 with a rush on U to H2.

Makes H2, and rushes U to 6 ft in front of 4b, and rolls to 2 ft in front, rushing Y to N boundary.  Sends Y well short - 7 yds from H4.  Makes H3 and peels U well through, rushing R to just short of Y.

Paddy now has a standard triple, looking in good shape.  Makes H4 and rushes Y back, over-cutting it to mid E boundary.  U is maybe 4 yds behind 4b.  Rolls Y to H6 and gets his rush on U.

U has just been peeled through penult by 2 ft, Paddy is approaching 1b with full control.

Paddy strangely rushes R to U after 1b, and leaves R near penult as he sends U to 3b.

Paddy has close approach to 2b, but misapproaches.  Y is 1 ft behind 2b.

K runs away into C2.

Danny lifts R and shoots at U near 3b, maybe 8yds.  Hits.   Should have a break from this.

Danny makes H2 ignoring K in C2, and continues with a 3-ball break.

Goes to K before making H6.  Sends it up towards rover.  He has all the balls now.

They have a long discussion after running 1b, presumably deciding on the leave.  Its been 5 minutes now...

They seem to have decided on a spread.  U and Y are at the peg as he makes 3b off K.

rov 2b 4b 1

Spread is completed, K is 3 yds off W boundary, U by peg.

K is looking at shooting from where it lies, possible double with Y/R.

K does shoot at the double, misses.

Y pops K out a bit, rushes R towards U and sends it 7 yds SSE of H2.  Rushes U short and takes off for 2 yd hoop, which he makes.  Gets U to H4 and K to H3 before rushing partner to H2.  Gets good rush on R after the hoop.  and puts it 1 yd in front of 4b.

Jawses R in 4b after making H3.  Rush-peels it after H4, and takes off getting R 7 yds behing H6.  Gets forward rush after H5 which he hets near H6.  Sends K to 1b getting rush towards penult on R.  Gets R very close behind H6 and a bit to E.

Runs H6, and hits U.  Sens U towards 2b, rushes R well back from penult, and leaves it by the hoop as he takes off to K at 1b.

Tries death roll after making 1b.  Peel attempt is from 1 yd NNW of the hoop.  R bounces off and to the side.

Looked like he was setting R and U up at penult for peel after 3b, but he is trying another death roll going to K at 3b.  R rebounds 2 ft back from the hoop.

Makes 3b, and rushes K to 3 yds W of penult.  Rolls it behind penult and has a third go at the penult peel from 2 ft in front this time.  Bounces off to the side again!

Jim tries the peel for a forth time, straight this time, and 2" in front.  It goes through to 1 yd in front of rover.  Manages to get K in an awkward position, and leaves it near the peg.  Sends U behind rover and rushes R to 1 ft in front.

Irish peels with a roll stroke.  Finishes.

Bast/Huneycutt win +8tp

Test Score
NZ 0 0 USA
Match Score
NZ 0 1 USA

Looks like they are breaking for lunch.

They keep the same colours.  K goes to E boundary.

  Westerby   Chapman
  Huneycutt   Bast

Y goes just out of C2.

U shoots at K.  Misses.

R shoots at K.  Hits.

Takes rush on U to Y.  It goes 1 yd out of C2 on N boundary.

Takes off and gets rush on Y to H1.

I'm breaking for lunch.  Chris is noting whats happening while I'm gone.

Poor rush on U to H2, but takes off to good position and runs hoop.

Establishes break, and goes to 4b with a spread - U near W boundary, K at peg.

K lifts to B baulk and shoots at R.  Misses to C4.

Y (Bast) rushes R to U, and U to H1.  Hoop approach is short.  Runs but cannot hit U.  Shoots at R and misses.

U shoots at K in C4.  Misses

Y shoots at R.  Misses to S boundary 8 yds from C1.

K plays and takes off to Y.  Approaches H1 and runs it.  Establishes break.

Paddy pops Y to hoop3.

Sorry for the long delay.  Had to put my laptop on charge for a bit.

Paddy goes to 4b and has leave with R on the back of H1, Y on E boundary.  U rush on K at max length position on W boundary.

Sorry, another long delay as I realise it is impossible to keep track of 2 matches while also typing in the backlog.

Y shoots at R from A baulk, hits.

R goes 5 yds to W of peg.

Goes to U and puts it 3 yds into lawn.  K is rushed to H3.  Makes the hoop with a rush S.  They stop to discuss.

Rushes K to H5, takes off to U.  Rushes U to R.  Sends U to halfway between H6 and 4b, rushes R to H4 and makes it.  Puts R 6 yds short of 4b going to U.  U goes to good rush position for after the 4-back peel.  Makes H5 off K. 

Rushes R after H5 well to 1 yd peeling position.  It bounces off 4b to the side of the hoop.  Puts out poor 2b pioneer, and consequently rushes R S after 1b rather than keeping it at 4b.

Gets U and R to 4b before making 3b off K.  Gets no rush on K after 3b, rolls it to 5 yds S of penult going to U.  Gets no rush on U and decides to send it to penult getting his rush on R to 4b, thoughts of a straight tp abandoned.

Rushes R 2 ft in front of 4b, but declines peel.

Y goes to peg.  K is left behind penult, U behind Rover.  R is on E boundary open to U, so in his last shot after a long debate he puts Y 6 yds in-lawn from R, wired from U and K.

K is lifted to mid N boundary, and shoots at Y, missing into C4.

R snicks Y.  Rolls to 4b and has 2 yd hoop which he misses badly.  R goes halfway towards C3.

U claims and is given a wiring lift.  Hits Y, leaving it by 4b.  Rushes R to K in C4.  Rushes K to H1.

Rushes K direct to H2 after H1.

Makes H2, and sends K to H4.  Makes H3 off Y and then takes off to R.  Hits R and sends it to H5.

Sets up K and Y at 4b before making H5.  Gets no rush out of H5, and rolls it to 1b.  Hits K but has too narrow an angle to peel.  Leaves peelee close in front, rush-peelable.

Makes H6, and sends Y to behind 1b.  Rush-peels, and sends K to 2b.

Gets rush on K after 2b which goes to 3 yds NW of penult.  Tries peel, but it bounces off to the side.  Hits R and takes off to Y at 3b.

Gets no rush after 3b.  Rolls Y S of H6, and has 3 yd roquet on peelee.  Sends it 2 yds NW of penult, and has another peel attempt.  K sticks on a wire.

Tries straight peel after making 4b.  K goes into a hole 3" in front of penult.  They ask for releif, but it is denied.  Irish peels it peg high, U doesn't run, but stays in runable position.

Runs and hits Y next to penult.  Plays a promotion cannon, getting K to 4 yds in front of rover, Y goes to the side of the peg.  Rolls R behind rover, but fails to get a good rush on K.   Tries peel from 3 yds.  K sticks, U ends 1 ft in front on hoop.  U jumps to boundary.  He has no deep ball.

U hits R to E of peg.  Sends R to H2, getting angled rush on K.  Hits, but it stays in the jaws.  Takes off back to Y and pegs 2 balls off.  K for rover in the jaws, R for 4b by H2.

R is lifted to A baulk, and shoots at K in the jaws.  Misses to N boundary.

K runs and tries to take wired position near the peg.  Doesn't get it.

R shoots and misses.  K finishes to win +4

Test Score
NZ 1 1 USA
Match Score
NZ 1 1 USA

They keep the same colours.

R supershot.

K goes to C2

Y shoots at K, misses.  Touching balls.

U hits K.  Rushes Y past peg and back to H2.

Rushes R to H1, but over-rolls the approach.  U retires to C2.

R shoots into C2, misses.

The rain starts to fall.  This is the last game still going.

U plays and gets a rush on R to Y by H2.  Gets his rush to H1 and is away.

Ends with diagonal spread, R by peg, Y 3 yds off W boundary.

4b 1 1 1

Y is lifted, and shoots at U/K, misses to C4.

Paddy starts 3-ball break, with Y in C4.

Rushes R after H3 to E boundary, opposite H5 and U.  Sends R to H5 going to Y.

Sends Y to 4b, getting rush on U to H4.

Rushes U well W of 4b after H4, rolls to peeling position.  Puts Y in good escape position before going to R at H5.

Plays a good stroke after H5, sending R to 1b and getting a close rush on U, which he takes to 2ft in front of 4b.  Peels by 5 yds, with rush to H6.

Makes H6, and takes off back to U.  Sends U to 2b going to 1b.

Sets up for peel after 3b.  Fails to get forward rush after 3b, and rolls to get a long roquet on U which is 1 ft in front of penult.  Tries to rush into hoop, but it misses.  He sets U back up in front of hoop getting his rush to 4b.

Irish peels penult straight.  U hits the peg and glances off to 5 yds NNE of rover.  Sends Y as a deep ball, with a rush on R to U.  Rushes R into the peg, and has to leave it behind as he gets a good rush on U.  Rushes to about 1 yd in front.  Peels cleanly, getting 1 ft hoop position and sending U well though.  Runs hoop and hits Y.  Finishes to win +26tp

Test Score
NZ 2 1 USA
Match Score
NZ 2 1 USA