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The City of Manchester 2004 Solomon Trophy Day 3 - GB leads US 15-3

[<<] [>>] by Robert Fulford
3rd July 2004 (International)

GB clinched the match today winning all seven remaining singles matches.

US came very close in two of the matches. Mik Mehas and Chris Clarke got into a pegged out ending with Mik for 1-back and Chris for 1-back and peg. Mik developed a great opportunity by rolling up to 1-b from corner 3 and then running it from 5 yards angled, but ended the turn by sticking in 4-b off Chris's 1-b ball with the peg ball nearer 1-b than penult. Doug had an even better chance but peeling rover going to 3-back peeled partner off the lawn.

Play was heavily interrupted by rain/hail and many thanks go to the Bury members who set to work with squeegee gear. Waterlogged conditions early in the turn were my excuse for sextuple ending with a crowd pleasing straight quad.


Maugham beat Cherry +23 -17 +26TP
Burrow beat Rosenberry +26TP +17
Gibbons beat Grimsley -8 +26TP +6TP
Kirby beat Lamm +2 +21TP
Fulford beat Mehas +6 +26SXP
Clarke beat Soo +24TP +26TP

Finished from yesterday: Clarke beat Mehas +3TP -26TP +4


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