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Belgian Golf-Croquet Open 2000

[<<] [>>] by John Swabey at Chateau du Lac
4th June 2000 (International)

Mark McInerney, current European champion of Golf Croquet, won this year's Belgian Open, and the "John Martin" Trophy, beating the Belgian, Koen Heidbuechel, 7:2, 7:6 (also a finalist last year) in the best-of-three final at the Chateau du Lac, home of the Brussels Croquet Club at Genval.

In the semi-finals, also best-of-three, 16-year old Mark (17 on Tuesday) from Ireland beat Tony Falcon-Uff (another Belgian player) also 7:2, 7:6, while Koen beat Rodolphe Dourthe (France) 7:5, 7:3

Today started off with quarter-final blocks for those six who survived the block play on Saturday, which also included Annemarie Weiss (Germany) and Jonathan Lamb (Belgium, and the only one in his block to beat Mark McInerney). The other 6 players joined those who dropped out of the quarter finals in a doubles knock-out event, which was won by Jonathan Lamb and Kevin McBride (England).

Altogether, there were players from 7 European countries represented and 6 sponsors also helped to make it a very pleasant and sociable weekend. There were some 80 spectators at the final and at the subsequent challenge game (inspired by the large audience) between winner Mark and ball-boy Rodolphe (which Rodolphe won). Looking forward to seeing more next year ..


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