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Middlesbrough beat Huddersfield to win the Secretary's Shield 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Charles Waterfield at Ripon
12th September 2004 (AC - Secretary's Shield)

Middlesbrough narrowly overcame Huddersfield in an all-north-eastern Secretary's Shield final, played at Ripon (12/09), by the familiar score of 4-3. The club (then called Teesside) last won this competition in 1988. Game scores were (M'bro names first):

Peter McDermott (2) beat Trevor Billard (6) +3
Roger Staples (14) beat Anna Giraud (14) +16
Charles Waterfield (0) & Walter Sanders (16) lost to Marjorie Eldon (14) & Malcolm Daines (16) -10

Waterfield lost to Billard -26
McDermott beat Giraud +4
Staples lost to Eldon -5t
Sanders beat Daines +5


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