Invitation to play in the 4th German Open Championship
[<<] [>>] by Elizabeth Williams
25th April 2005
Dear Croquet Community,
The Deutscher Krocket Bund (German Croquet Federation) is delighted to invite you to play in the 4th German Open. Please take note of the following details:
The 4th German Open Championship
Venue: Rissener Sportverein -Krocket-, Marschweg 75, Hamburg, Germany
Dates: 29th July - 1 August 2005
Manager: Joern Vinnen, Parkstr. 24, D- 22605 Hamburg,
T.: +49-40-46 96 0014, email:
Entry Fees: EUR 100,00 (including welcome reception, 3 lunches, morning coffee & afternoon tea, trophies)
Entries: Max. 12 entries, we try to get as many as possible foreign players from as many as possible countries into the tournament - Former German Open Winners and participants will have priority entry rights;
Close: 31. May;
Draw: 30. June 2005;
Format: a) Advanced Play, American blocks (single games), followed by knockout;
b) Doubles (Peterhouse Cup) for non half-finalists)
Social Events: It is planned to spend a cultural evening with Hamburg-Highlights - a special programme for accompanying persons will be provided;
Notes: We play double banked on three full size lawns with Sunshiny balls.
Accommodation: We will help you to find adequate accommodation according to your desires (private or Hotel).
Price: No price monies but a very nice trophy at the moment held by the winner of the 3rd German Open, Colin Irvin.
To enter please contact Joern Vinnen as soon as possible.
J. Vinnen
Deutscher Krocket Bund