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Nottingham beat Cheltenham 5-2

[<<] [>>] by Dave Kibble
18th July 2005 (AC - Inter-Club)

James Death (-2) & Richard White (-1.5) beat Dave Kibble (-1.5) & Dave Foulser (-1) +4
Keith Aiton (-1.5) beat Louise Bradforth (-0.5) +26
Jed Allen (-0.5) lost to David Magee (0) -15

Death beat Kibble +23tp
White beat Foulser +16
Aiton beat Magee +13
Allen lost to Bradforth -10

The lawns hadn't really dried out from the deluge that lost a day's play a few weeks ago so were on the fast side of easy and the hoops, though well set, didn't reject many well-struck shots. James was pretty masterful, everyone else made errors, and in most games the innings changed hands several times. Excellent hospitality and weather made it an enjoyable day for all, despite the result!


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