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Woodhall Spa beat Swindon to win the Secretary's Shield 5-2

[<<] [>>] by Patricia Duke-Cox at Northampton
23 Sep 2005 (AC - Secretary's Shield)

Swindon team listed first, handicaps in brackets, then result of each game. All games played within time limit.

Chris Marjason (14) & John Airey (8) lost to Mike Bowser (5) & Bob Thompson (18) -15
Diana Trott(11) beat to Nigel Harding (12) +3
Ian Megaw (6) lost to David Eckford (14) -21

Ian Megaw (6) beat Mike Bowser (5) +19
John Airey (8) lost to Nigel Harding (12) -5
Diana Trott (11) lost to David Eckford (14) -14
Chris Marjason (14) lost to Bob Thompson (18) -15


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