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Peter Nash won the South of England Week

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by Roger Wood at Compton
1st October 2005 (AC - Mixed)

Winners (and Runners Up):

Class Singles

  • A for the Ionides Cup - Peter Nash (David Magee)
  • B for the Devonshire Park Salver - David Mumford (Roger Wood)
  • C for the Luard Cup - Gina Lewis (Colin Hemming)
  • D for the Trevor Williams Cup - Nigel Graves (Ann Jarman)

Handicap Doubles

  • X for the Anna Millns Salvers - Jonathan Isaacs & John Reddish (Colin Hemming & Vi Lester)
  • Y for the Gilbert Spoons - Mavis Buist & Joan Jarman (Dennis Shaw & Nigel Graves)

Unrestricted Handicap Singles

  • X for the Devonshire Park Cup - Diana Brothers (Bryan Stone)
  • Y for the Brittain Porringer - David Magee (Eileen Magee)

In the Picture

Left to right, top to bottom:

  • Paul Nash (Ionides Cup - A-Class)
  • David Mumford (inspecting the Devonshire Park Salver - B-Class)
  • Gina Lewis (Luard Cup - C-Class) [picture: Margaret Payton]
  • Mavis Buist (Gilbert Spoons - Y doubles)
  • David Magee, Manager (with collected loot)
  • Nigel Graves (Trevor Williams Cup - D-Class)
  • Jonathan Isaacs & John Reddish (Anna Millns Salvers - X doubles)
  • David Magee (Brittain Porringer - Y handicap)
  • Diana Brothers (Devonshire Park Cup - X handicap)


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