Roehampton lost to Woking 3-4
[<<] [>>] by Andrew Dutton
18th May 2006
(AC - Mary Rose)
Woking beat Roehampton 4-3 in a close fought match with the last two games being won +2 to Roehampton to square the tally and +4 to Woking to win. Roehampton hosted the match and provided superfast lawns having had them close cut for an exhibition golf croquet match earlier in the week.
Woking Roehampton
Andrew Dutton(2) and Colin Southern(2.5) lost to Mike Hann(1) and Brian Rees(4) by +7
Gill McDiarmid(3.5) beat Chris Marshall(5) by +5
Geoff Cuttle beat Douglas Gurney by +19
Andrew Dutton lost to Mike Hann by +2
Gill McDiarmid lost to Douglas Gurney by +12
Geoff Cuttle beat Chris Marshall by +9
Colin Southern beat Brian Rees +4