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Budleigh Salterton May Week

[<<] [>>] by Cliff Jones
22nd May 2006 (AC - Mixed)

Godfrey Turner Challenge Cup: David Harrison Wood beat Cliff Jones 26tp 15tp

Woodlands Quaish: Peter Jones beat Hamish Hall 6T

Memorial Challenge Cup: J.K.Brown

Richard Jackson beat Peter Miller 8T

Pat Tunmer Cup: Brian Pollock beat Julie Horsley 20

Daldry Cups (Doubles): David & Nancy Temple beat Martin Granger-Brown & Ian Friedlander 1T

Y Doubles: Ian Price & Derek Powell beat Hamish Hall & Margaret Pena 5

1. Richard Jackson
2. Jane Mathews
3. Brian Wainman

Handicap Changes

Derek Powell 10 to 11
Peter Miller 10 to 9
Doug Sinclair 16 to 18
Edward Dymock 1 to 0.5
James Tuttiett 0.5 to 0


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