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East Dorset beat Cheltenham 4-3

[<<] [>>] by John Crowe at Cheltenham
31 May 2006 (AC - Mary Rose)

East Dorset names first:

R Edwards/J Crowe 6 P Francis/C Smith 26
J Wood 26 P Watson 0
P Nutland 26 G Roberts 10
R Edwards 26 P Francis 18
J Crowe 26 C Smith 11
J Wood 12 G Roberts 26
P Nutland 15 P Watson 26

In the morning, Jon Wood and Peggy Nutland played immaculately to win. Pete Francis and Carol Smith needed to only play competently against John Crowe and Roy Edwards, neither of whom settled.

After lunch Paul Watson and Graham Roberts reversed the tables on Jon and Peggy. However Roy Edwards came through in an error-ridden game with Pete Francis and Carol Smith, having not put a foot wrong, suddenly started to look vulnerable and John Crowe was finally able to find some form.


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