Woodhall Spa beat Watford 7-0
[<<] [>>] by Simon Hathrell
at Watford
3 Jun
2006 (AC - Secretary's Shield)
The match was played on a beautiful sunny day in perfect conditions - sadly, from Watford's perspective, not reflected in the outcome!
Watford names first:
Janet Lewis (10) & Bill Gillott (12) vs. Patricia Duke-Cox (9) & John Norman (18): -18
Mark Homan (5) vs. David Eckford (14): -16
John Moore (16) vs. Bob Thomson (16): -12
Mark Homan (5) vs. Patricia Duke-Cox (9): -10
Janet Lewis (10) vs. David Eckford (16): -22
Bill Gillott (12) vs. Bob Thomson (16): -14
John Moore (16) vs. John Norman (18): -11