Beverley beat Ashby 4-3
[<<] [>>] by Colin Fletcher
at Beverley
27 Jun
2006 (AC - Secretary's Shield)
Beverley names first:
Colin Fletcher (3.5) and John Kennedy (6) lost to Derek Buxton (11) and Mick Haytack (12) -3t
Robin Edwards (12) lost to Geoff Ellott (16) -9
Tom Judge(15) beat Richard Sanville (10) +21
Colin beat Richard +16
John beat Derek +3t
Robin beat Mick +12
Tom lost to Geoff -21
It was a good natured, but close-fought, match with a cliff-hanger finish in the last game to finish. The score was 3-all, and John had just edged into a 5-hoop lead when time was called. Derek then hit in across the lawn (cheers and applause) and started to build an unlikely break. He made two hoops, but then, with the balls set up for a 4-ball, stuck in 2-back. The Beverley team started to breathe again.
Handicap change: Geoff Ellott 16 to 14.