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Beverley beat Canterbury 6-1

[<<] [>>] by Colin Fletcher at Canterbury
20 Aug 2006 (AC - Secretary's Shield)

Canterbury names first.

John Ruddock (9) & Ted Salisbury (10) lost to Colin Fletcher (3) & Mike Evans (10) -4t
Roger Loram (9) lost to Robin Edwards (12) -3t
Paul Hill (6) lost to John Kennedy (6) -11

Paul lost to Colin -8
Roger lost to John -7
John beat Mike +7t
Ted lost to Robin -14

Beverley went in to lunch a little surprised to be leading 3-0, but well aware that the match still had to be won. Colin sealed the win by beating Paul in the afternoon, despite starting a turn expecting to run rover and peg out, then finding he was playing with his peg ball! Luckily he managed to hit in next turn and finish.

The match was played in great spirit, with good conditions, apart from a couple of showers.

We can thoroughly recommend playing a match against Canterbury; the hospitality is wonderful.


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