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Blewbury beat Shrewsbury 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Nick Butler at Edgbaston
30th August 2006 (AC - Secretary's Shield)

With the largest number of bisques conceded only 3.5 these two teams were evenly matched, a fact proven by some very close games, you could even go as far to say that everyone's handicap was correct! Many thanks to Edgbaston Croquet Club for their hospitality.

Blewbury names first

Nick Butler (0.5) & Deirdre Cochrane (8) lost to Brian Christmas (4) & Robert Dodds (9) -6t
Stuart Parks (8) lost to Julian Remfry (10) -5t
Benson Spiers (9) beat Allan Knight (9) +18

Nick Butler beat Brian Christmas +15
Stuart Parks beat Allan Knight +11
Deirdre Cochrane beat Robert Dodds +9t
Benson Spiers lost to Julian Remfry -4


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