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Mary Rose final report

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by Andrew Dutton
6th October 2006 (AC - Mary Rose)

Woking beat Colchester in the 2006 final of the Mary Rose held at Surbiton on 30th September.

Woking fielded the same team that won 6:1 against Bristol and Colchester's team was the same team that beat Pendle and Craven 5-2. Colchester put up a much stronger defence giving Woking a hard battle with several of the games being very close. In the morning, Woking were well represented by Nick Harvey who won +12 and Collin Southern who had a much harder +3 win with one ball pegged out. Woking were close to leading 3:0 after the morning's play but a strong fight back by Steve Woolnough and Jonathan Hills saw Andrew Dutton and Peter McGowan beaten +5 in the doubles.

In the afternoon Nick Harvey had a runaway win over George Woolhouse +24, but the other games were all close. Steve Woolnough risked all with a death roll to peel penultimate during a triple and failed to make his next roquet allowing Andrew Dutton to go to 4 back but eventually Steve was able to win +9. Peter McGowan had almost given up with his opponent, Jonathan Hills on 4-back and rover and going strong but one simple error was all that was needed for Peter to take both his balls round and finish off +3 to confirm Woking's cup victory. Collin Southern who lead from the beginning eventually succumbed to Colin Hemming who fought back to win +13 to give a final tally of 4-3 to Woking.

Thanks go to Surbiton for staging the finals and excellent fare.


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