Managers' Report - Day 6
[<<] [>>] by Gary Fox
24th November 2006
(The MacRobertson Shield)
Doubles From Shepparton
NZ v Australia
Chapman & Westerby (NZ) lost to Fleming & Clarke 26-0, 9-26tp (Fleming), 0-26tp (Fleming)
Bryant & Davis (NZ) defeated Bassett & Forster (Aust) 12-26, 26-18, 26tp (Bryant) - 24
Lowe & Wislang (NZ) lost to Watts & Dumergue (Aust) 0-26tp (Watts), 20-26
Singles From Rich River
Robert Fulford (GB) defeated Jeff Soo (USA) 0-26tp, 26sxp-0, 26sxp-0
David Maugham (GB) defeated Jerry Stark (USA) 26tp-9, 26tp-9
Chris Clarke (GB) defeated Damon Bidencope (USA) 26tp-0, 26tp-4
Keith Aiton (GB) defeated Danny Huneycutt (USA) 26tp-2, 26-1
Mark Avery (GB) defeated Rich Lamm (USA) 26tp-0, 26tp-0
Jonathan Kirby (GB) v Bob Cherry (USA) 26-21, 13-26, 26tp-0
After 2 Days the Summary of Wins Is
GB 9 from 9
Australia 4 from 6
New Zealand 2 from 6
USA 0 from 9
All detail today are from the doubles played at Rich River
NZ v Aust
Chapman & Westerby defeated Dumergue & Watts
Game 1
Super-shot opening. Westerby hits with 3rd ball, makes 1 and misses return roquet. Watts makes 9. Westerby misses lift, Dumergue makes hoop 1 hampered. Chapman TPOed Watts. With Dumergue on hoop 2 the leave was corner 4 and 1. Dumergue took contact from back ball in corner 4, taking off to corner 1 ball and rolling to hoop 2. Fell short, but shot-missed. NZ retreated to corner 4 and when Dumergue retreated to west boundary, Westerby rolled to corner 3 area where he set a 'dare-to shoot' leave. Dumergue declined. Westerby set wired rush to hoop 2. Dumergue remained on west border. Westerby made hoop 2, rushed out to oppo red and by hoop 4 had the 3 ball break to peg. However, he was unable to peg both balls out, so Dumergue hit and rolled to hoop 2 but failed a long angled hoop. Chapman finished 26-10.
Game 2
Super-shot opening. When Dumergue missed opposition on east border opposite peg, Westerby hit the double and made 9. Dumergue missed lift. Chapman failed at hoop 3. Dumergue made 9 off that. Chapmen missed lift. Watts tripled out.
Game 3
Super-shot opening by Chapman NZ, with blue ball. Dumergue (red ball) fired at ball from corner 1, hit and set both balls across peg in line with corners 1 & 3. Black into corner 4. Yellow fires at peg balls from corner 3 and missed. Blue and Red missed into corner 4. Chapman started from a canon in corner 4, but was hampered after hoop 3 and missed the roquet. Yellow misses, but Blue also. Yellow then makes 9. Blue misses 16 yards from B Baulk. Red fails to get in front of 1. After a period where Dumergue struggled to hoop 6, Westerby decided to be aggressive, hit and went to 4 back. Chapman followed suit, going to the peg. Dumergue missed the lift and Westerby finished 26-15..
Bryant & Davis lost to Clarke & Fleming
Game 1
Australia won opening enabling Clarke to make 9. Bryant missed lift at corner 4 ball and Fleming made 12, unable to position partner ball to peel. Another missed lift gave Clarke the finish 0-26.
Game 2
Super-shot by Bryant. Fleming's response was peg high on east border. Davis missed oppo ball into corner 4 from B baulk. Clarke missed partner from A baulk. Bryant fired at oppo balls from mid-court and missed. Clarke built a break of 9 from there. Davis hit lift. Peg to partner on hoop 1-2 line and started a break with intent to TPO Clarke's ball. Unfortunately he missed cut rush before hoop 6 after first peel. Fleming double peeled out from there 5-26.
Lowe & Wislang lost to Bassett & Forster
Game 1
Australia won opening but Bassett stuck in hoops 1 and 2. Lowe managed one hoop and set but Forster hit an eighteen yarder and made 9. Wislang missed lift, Bassett went to the peg. Lowe missed lift and Forster finished 2-26.
Game 2
Bassett made first 9, Wislang missed 17 yard lift; Forster tripled 0-26tpF