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Cheltenham beat Bowdon 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Dave Foulser at Cheltenham
29 Apr 2001 (AC - Inter-Club)

After trailing 1-2 at lunchtime, Bowdon recovered to 3-3 leaving Dave Kibble's match against Peter Taylor to finish.

Peter narrowly failed to complete his triple to win by +26 & then missed a not too difficult peg-out with his opponent still for hoop 1 with both balls. Peter pegged out 1 ball leaving Kibble about a 10 yard shot which was hit.

In the ensuing drama, Peter had lots of shots at the peg (usually from near a corner) and a couple at the opposing balls, whilst Kibble laid various traps. Two of these enabled him to get breaks taking the first ball from 6 to the peg & the second ball from 3 to 4-back.

Earlier Kibble had combined well with Dave Foulser to easily beat Taylor & Colin Irwin in the doubles. Foulser lost narrowly to Irwin in the top singles where each player made only one error. Don Gaunt was as effective as usual but David Magee was rather out of salts.


D. Foulser & D. Kibble beat C. Irwin & P. Taylor +16
D. Foulser lost C. Irwin -8
D. Kibble beat P. Taylor +1
D. Gaunt beat I. Lines +26
D. Magee lost Mrs. A. Lines -16
D. Gaunt beat Mrs. A. Lines +18
D. Magee lost I. Lines -2


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