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Woking beat Bath 6-1

[<<] [>>] by Andrew Dutton at Woking
28 May 2007 (AC - Mary Rose)

Woking beat Bath 6-1 at home on 28th May on a cold wet blustery bank holiday day. Bath were ably represented by Daniel Mills, Ian Lewis, Jim Field and Roger Bell but they were no match for Woking's, Peter McGowan, Andrew Dutton, Mike Town and Collin Southern who had a significant handicap advantage. Despite this Daniel and Ian managed to win the doubles match and pushed Peter and Andrew hard in the singles games to loose by only a few points. Mike and Collin had easy wins in their singles against Jim and Roger.

Woking fielded the same winning team from 2006 apart from Mike Town who has stood in to replace Nick Harvey who, unfortunately, suffered a major motorcycle accident at the start of the season and will be unable to play this year.


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