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Sonoma block play complete

[<<] [>>] by John Taylor
17th May 2001 (International)

We finished the blocks today. I've listed the block standings at the end of the day's games. We begin the knockout ladder, medallist block and the plate ladder tomorrow.

Today was the one for Sextuple peels. Bamford had been unsuccessful in 2 attempts earlier in the week but managed to complete a sextuple in the 3rd time slot today just after Fulford did one in the 2nd time slot. Then it seemed that every time you looked someone was setting for sextuples but only the two were completed. In one game Fulford and Cunningham both set the sextuple leave. Ed set the first and Robert did a tea lady shot then set his own sextuple leave which Ed broke up with a second tea lady shot.

Oh yes, for the Ren Kraft fans he had yet another perfect day and finished his block with no wins. Ian Burridge was his only competition with his own zero wins but Ian had a total of -82 net points which fell far short of Ren's -115 net points. They go head to head in the bottom of the plate ladder tomorrow afternoon but I'm sure Ren can "hang in there" and not spoil his flawless record.

Wednesday Results

Reg Bamford beat Ren Kraft +26 TP
Trevor Bassett beat Wynand Louw +26 TP
Chris Clarke beat Tony Le Moignan +23
Jacques Fournier beat Simon Williams +13 TP
Robert Fulford beat Louis Nel +26 SXP
Ed Cunningham beat Ian Burridge +24
Jeff Soo beat Helene Thurston +4
Matthew Burrow beat Mik Mehas +7
Reg Bamford beat Trevor Bassett +26 SXP
Chris Clarke beat Ren Kraft +26 TP
Jacques Fournier beat Wynand Louw +25 TP
Simon Williams beat Tony Le Moignan +23
Malcolm O'Connell beat David Maugham +11
Stephen Mulliner beat Doug Grimsley +17 TP
Leo McBride beat Brian Wislang +7
Martin Clarke beat Johnny Osborn +15
Robert Fulford beat Ed Cunningham +10
Helene Thurston beat Louis Nel +26
Mik Mehas beat Ian Burridge +11
Jeff Soo beat Matthew Burrow +19
Stephen Mulliner beat David Maugham +25 TP
Brian Wislang beat Malcolm O'Connell +17 TP
Martin Clarke beat Doug Grimsley +26
Leo McBride beat Johnny Osborn +25 TP

Final Block Results

Block 1

Chris Clarke 1st
Reg Bamford 2nd
Simon Williams 3rd
Jacques Fournier 4th
Wynand Louw 5th
Trevor Bassett 6th
Tony Le Moignan 7th
Ren Kraft 8th

Block 2

Robert Fulford 1st
Jeff Soo 2nd
Matthew Burrow 3rd
Ed Cunningham 4th
Mik Mehas 5th
Louis Nel 6th
Helene Thurston 7th
Ian Burridge 8th

Block 3

Stephen Mulliner 1st
Leo McBride 2nd
Martin Clarke 3rd
David Maugham 4th
Brian Wislang 5th
Malcolm O'Connell 6th
Johnny Osborn 7th
Doug Grimsley 8th


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