The Mitsubishi Motors European Team Championship
[<<] [>>] by Brian Storey
at Cheltenham
30th June 2007
Austria beat Isle of Man 3-0 to clinch the final place in the quarter finals.
Both teams ended with 3 wins from seven matches but Austria went through on games won.
Quarter Finals
Jersey beat Austria 3-0
Wales beat Italy 2-1
Scotland beat Ireland 2-1
England beat Belgium 3-0
Semi Finals
Wales bt England 2-1
Burridge bt Brown +26
Williams lost to Foulser -3
Walters bt Brand 7-6 3-7 7-5
Jersey bt Scotland 2-1
Le Moignan lost to Magee -17
Sarah Burrow bt Rannie +24
M Burrow bt Walker 7-5 7-6
At end of play Wales lead Jersey in the final 1-0 in all three matches. Ian Burridge leads Tony Le Moignan 1-0, Chris Williams leads Sarah Burrow 1-0 (both AC best of three) and David Walters leads Matt Burrow 1-0 in their best-of-5 GC Match.
Semi Finals
Germany bt Switzerland 2-1
Sweden bt Isle of Man
Sweden bt Germany 2-1