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Bowdon beat Colchester 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Andrew Winn at Wrest Park
4 Jul 2007 (AC - Mary Rose)

Bowdon met Colchester on the neutral territory of Wrest Park on Wednesday 4th July.

Despite the recent rains the lawns were not overly damp, but were on the slow side of medium paced. Ominous dark clouds passed by occasionally, the out players seeking shelter under some of the fine mature oak trees during brief but heavy downpours, whilst debating whether the chicks in a nearby nest were kestrels or sparrow hawks.


Andrew Winn (capt) 0.5 (scraping in on a technicality!) David Walters 1.5 Mike Sandler 3 Sylvia Steer 4.5


Terry Mahoney 2
Ken Pickett 2.5
Colin Hemming (capt) 3.5
George Woolhouse 4


Bowdon players first:

Andrew & David beat Terry & Ken +12
Sylvia lost to Colin -24
Mike lost to George -6, after 4 hours 15 minutes of hacking around and blobbed hoops.

Andrew beat Terry +9
David beat Ken +16
Mike beat Colin +13
Sylvia lost to George -18

Mike Sandler sealed the victory with a final turn from hoop 2 with forward ball already on peg.


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