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Mixed Doubles Championship - the draw

[<<] [>>] by David Foulser
9th August 2007 (AC - Championships)

The Mixed Doubles Championship will take place 11-12 August at Surbiton. Eight pairs will be in 2 blocks of 4 pairs with a seeded pair in each block.

The winner of each block will play a best-of-3 final on Sunday, whilst other pairs can play pairs from the other block.

Block A

* Chris Clarke & Jenny Williams
Craig Edwards & Sue Edwards
George Noble & Christine Osmond
David Magee & Eileen Magee

Block B

* David Openshaw & Kathleen Priestley
Chris Daniels & Julie Hudson
David Foulser & Carol Smith
Mark Hamilton & Daphne Gaitley

Bernard Neal will attend on Sunday to effect the presentation.


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