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Reg Bamford won the Northern Championship (the Faulkner Cup)

[<<] [>>] by Ian Lines at Bowdon
28th August 2007 (AC - Championships)

First Round Second Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final Winner
  Robert Fulford

Robert Fulford
+5sxp, +6

Rutger Beijderwellen
+14, +3, +20tp

Rutger Beijderwellen
+23tp, +8, +26tp

Reg Bamford
+17qnp, -3qpo, +16sxp, +25sxp

  Jerry Guest
  Marcus Evans

Rutger Beijderwellen
+25tp, -17tp, +16tp

  Rutger Beijderwellen
David Maugham

David Maugham
+26sxp, +23sxp

David Maugham
+13, +19

David Maugham
-26tp, +17tp, -11tpo, +17tp, +26tp

Andrew Winn
Jonathan Bowen

Sam Tudor
-20, +26, +26

Sam Tudor
David Goacher

David Goacher
+15tp, +9

Keith Aiton
+17tp, +2tp

Ailsa Lines
Mike Sandler

Keith Aiton
+26tp, +26tp

Keith Aiton
  Reg Bamford

Reg Bamford
+26sxp, +14qp

Reg Bamford
+25sxp, +26qp, +24sxp

Reg Bamford
+26qp, -12tp, +15tp, +15

  Colin Irwin
  Steve Comish

James Death
+25tp, +26tp

  James Death
Ian Lines

Ian Lines
+26tp, +22tp

Ian Lines
+17, -17, +17tp

Ian Lines
+26tp, +26tp, -24tp, +26tp

Martin Granger-Brown
Ken Cooper

Peter Trimmer
+18, -14tp, +24tp

Peter Trimmer
Steve Lewis

Tim Wilkins
+5, +11

Chris Clarke
+3tp, +26tp

Tim Wilkins
Andy Davies

Chris Clarke
+16, -17tp, +26tp

Chris Clarke


Sam Tudor beat Ian Lines (for the 2nd year in succession) in the Final of the Tollemache Plate.

Quarter Finals

James Death beat David Goacher +26tp
Ian Lines beat Jonathan Bowen +23tp
Tim Wilkins beat David Maugham +13tp
Sam Tudor beat Jerry Guest +16tp

Semi Finals

Sam Tudor beat James Death +17tp
Ian Lines beat Tim Wilkins +7tpo


Sam Tudor beat Ian Lines +11otp

Handicap Changes

Marcus Evans from -2 to -1.5
Andrew Winn from 0.5 to 0

Report on the Final

by Chris Clarke

Sorry I didn't manage to last to report the final stages of the semis. I worked out last night that a stroke was played every 37 seconds in the Lines/Bamford match despite the fact it was virtually all break-play!

Anyway, game 2 of the final just before 2. Here's the story so far. The tactical nuances are beyond my limited understanding ;)

Northerns Final 2007

Game 1

Rutger wins the toss and goes in

  1. Rutger to c1
  2. Reg croquets to 17y N of c1 and 5 feet E, then goes 18y S of c3
  3. Rutger misses Reg from c3
  4. Reg hits partner from A and rolls to c3 leaving rush to 1 (?)
  5. Rutger to c2 (?)
  6. Reg goes to to 1-b
  7. Rutger misses
  8. Reg peels 1-b before 1, under-approaches 1 and bounces off
  9. Rutger to 4-b, peeling Reg to 2, with MSL (with balls wrong way wrong - 2-b ball on 2)
  10. Reg hits from c3 and finishes

Game 2

Reg choses to start

  1. Reg Super-Shot
  2. Rutger 4y E of it
  3. Reg hits dribble from C1 at Rutger. To 3-b
  4. Rutger hits and goes to 1-b
  5. Reg misses
  6. Rutger QPO, ball 6y N of hoop 4 (straight rover peel)
  7. Reg under-approaches 1, takes long position
  8. Rutger to S boundary behind 4
  9. Reg takes 2 foot position (?)
  10. Rutger snicks in. Fails to get position at 1-b and takes good position
  11. Reg to S boundary behind 4 (?)
  12. Rutger runs 1-b hard, hits Reg, sends Reg to 3y WNW of 2, failing to get position and takes 5 foot position. (??)
  13. Reg turns down/forgets 8y lift and hit guarded 20-yarder, gets break, fails 5-foot straight 4-b giving lift
  14. Rutger rushes to 10y E of c1, makes 2-b, fails 4 foot straight 3-b
  15. Reg hits 7 yarder at ball in hoop, rolls Rutger toward C2, getting 3y 20 deg position at 4-b, but front ball goes off in C2
  16. Rutger to 5y angled position at 3-b
  17. Reg takes position at 4-b ??
  18. Rutger takes position at 3-b
  19. Reg runs 4-b, takes position at pen ??
  20. Rutger finishes

Two good quality games then saw Reg end his 15-month win-less streak and take his first Northern championship.

Game 3

Rutger chooses to go second

  1. Reg 15y Super-Shot
  2. Rutger 4y E of it
  3. Reg misses dribble from C1
  4. Rutger hits double, goes to 4-b MSL
  5. Reg lifts balls at 4 and hits long lift. Goes to 1-b peeling Rutger to 2
  6. Rutger misses
  7. Reg finishes

Game 4

Reg chooses to go in

  1. Reg 15y Super-Shot
  2. Rutger 4y E of it
  3. Reg misses dribble
  4. Rutger misses 15-yarder
  5. Reg to 1-b peeling Rutger to 2 and more interestingly using Fulford's 1-b leave (can't remember whether he did in previous games)
  6. Rutger misses
  7. Reg finishes


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