Eights Predictions Competition (update)
[<<] [>>] by Kevin Carter
30th August 2007
(Other News)
There is only one week to go before the first of The Eights begins.
There follows a summary of selections so far and below this message are the original rules.
President's Cup: Fulford 19, Bamford 6, Death 3, Maugham 2, Mulliner 2, Aiton 1, Beijderwellen 1 (Duckworth 0)
Chairman's Salver: Evans 11, Patel 10, Lines 5, Dawson 4, Lemon 2, Tudor 2 (Goacher & Magee 0)
Spencer Ell Cup: Nick 11, Williams 7, Jenkins 4, Tuttiett 3, Guest 2, Mundy 3, Burnett 1 (Ashwell 0)
Treasurer's Tankard: Kibble 13, Butler 9, Trimmer 4, Morrow 3, Vincent 2, Lewis 1 (Bradforth & Rannie 0)
Selectors' Weekend: Woolnough 8, Gee 7, French 4, Castell 3, D Knapp 3, Jones 3, Hawkins 2, Smith 2, Fisk 1, Hills 1 (Griffiths, Hamilton, M Knapp, Stephenson, Thompson & Town 0)
The reason for the numbers not tallying is that Messrs Lines, Brown, Beck, Ashwell and Wilkins selected one or more of Brown and Ashwell, neither of whom are any longer playing in their originally designated event. These five chaps might like to reconsider their selections.
The Competition
What have the following in common: Lewis Palmer, Dave Kibble, Peter Taylor, Chris Patmore, Nick Harris and Ian Plummer? Answer: they are the six winners so far of the annual Eights Predictions Competition.
I shall again be sending to this year's winner a bottle of James Tuttiett's excellent Northbrook Springs Brut - or a case of six if the winner gets all five predictions exactly correct. (James, if you win then I shall substitute it for a good claret ....)
Here is what you have to do:
- Select one person in each of the five competitions and send them to me in an email. The players in each event can be seen elsewhere in the news section in the latest article headed Eights Week Selections (updated)
- You will get 8 points for selecting the eventual winner of each, 7 for 2nd, 6 for 3rd, etc.
- The person with the most points after the five competitions have been completed will be the winner.
- Ties will be decided by looking at the best prediction in the Pres, then the Chairman's, etc.
- Only one entry per person; all entries by email; deadline 9am BST 5th Sept.
- When two or more people make exactly the same five predictions then only the first received will be logged; the others will be invited to change their selections.
- Changes and substitutions will be accepted in the event of drop-outs, etc.
- The only entry fee is electronic. All entrants are asked to visit www.thehungersite.com/ and click the panel to donate 1.1 cups of food to the world's starving.
Kevin Carter [kevin#profundus.co.uk]