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AC vs. GC - The Gauntlet!

[<<] [>>] by Dave Kibble
4th September 2007 (Other News)

Following an examination of results Ian Burridge asserted that the top Association Croquet players are better at Golf Croquet than the current top non-AC-playing GC players. This resulted in issuing the following challenge to Tim King:

Following preliminary investigations I believe that I am able to raise a "Dream Team" of top 30 British AC players without a GC ranking to contest a GC match. We are not interested in playing solely a team of GC enthusiasts we want to play a team of top British GC enthusiasts, I would suggest with a GC grade over 115 who do not play appreciable amounts of AC. I have found 3 definites for the AC team without going to too much trouble and so would expect to be able to field a team of 4 and hope to be able to field a team of 6. We are available to play at a central England croquet club assuming one can be found to host the event on Sunday 30th September. You will notice that I have resisted the temptation to go for the Saturday and clash with the Inter-Club Golf Croquet Final, although I know that your community would feel more at home had such a clash existed.

I have no idea how much GC it is possible to play in a day so should you accept the challenge we will leave it with you to choose an appropriate format, although both singles and doubles would seems sensible. The longer the better from our point of view (to give us time to learn the rules, not to mention those tactics!) and we trust that the singles games would be ranked.

I should say that it is actually quite hard to find AC players with no GC experience most have played whilst learning the game, often under the old no jump shot rules but I believe that you will consider our team to be genuinely inexperienced. I suspect that I am typical playing with golf croquet enthusiasts on a Monday afternoon whilst learning the game at my local club, I did reach the final of the GC Open Doubles the year it was held alongside the AC Open Championship (1992?) since then however I havent played much at all, having discovered just how tedious high level GC is and I believe I have only played 4 friendly games under the current laws.

I don't suppose that we have the authority to agree it but it would be great if depending on the outcome that either the AC community accepted that a minimum two tournament criteria was reasonable on the part of GC selectors or that the GC community accepted that all AC players in the top 30 should be preferentially selected ahead of anyone with a GC grade of less than 140. I notice you think that the event could attract a spectator so could I further suggest that we try to undertake a degree of fund-raising should the event go ahead, with the proceeds being given to the younger players travelling to either the AC or GC Worlds depending on whoever wins.

Would any top 30 AC players without a GC ranking and interested in playing, should the match go ahead, please contact me directly.

Top AC should contact Ian and top GC players Tim


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