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Some more random eights stats

[<<] [>>] by Chris Williams
20th September 2007 (Other News)

All four winners of Eights this year had not won an eight before, which is the first time this has occurred since there have been at least three eights. It would have happened in 2000 but the Spencer Ell play off was not played.

President's Cup

For the first time since 1983, when the youngest player was 30, there was no player under 28 in the event.

Stephen Mulliner finally overtook John Solomon's game wins total of 244.
Stephen now stands on 249 in 29 events.

The average age in this year's President's Cup was 39, which is the highest since 1982.

Chairman's Salver

The average age was 43, which together with 2001, and 1979, is the highest since 1978.

David Goacher has now reached 95 game wins in 12 appearances in the Chairman's, four ahead of Jeff Dawson who is on 91.

Spencer Ell Cup

The average age was 53, which is the third time in the last four years that the average has been above 50. The last time this had happened before was in 1979.

Chris Williams is way ahead in most game wins with 71 in 9 appearances.

Treasurer's Tankard

I am not sure of the age of a couple of the players, but estimate that the average was about 47, which is the same as nearly every previous time the event has been played.


There were 51 peeling breaks in the 56 games in the President's Cup, which is a record beating the previous record of 48 set in 2005. In fact in the last three years only 23 of the 168 games have not had a peeling break.

There were 29 in the Chairman's (record is 35 in 2001), 4 in the Spencer Ell (record 21 in 1998) and 12 in the Treasurer's, which is a record.

David Goacher played in his 21st successive eight. Jeff Dawson and David Maugham are currently on 20. The next best current unbroken runs are Robert Fulford on 7, and Chris Williams and Rutger Beijderwellen on 5.

More records can be found at


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