Surbiton beat Harrow Oak at Woking 4-3
[<<] [>>] by Stephen Mulliner
16th June 2001
(AC - Inter-Club)
In what might prove to be Harrow's last inter-club match, Surbiton defeated Harrow, the holders, by 4-3 at Woking today. The recent fire at Harrow compelled the move to a neutral venue and both teams expressed their thanks to the Woking club for accommodating the match at short notice.
Surbiton names first
RL Bamford & SN Mulliner beat P Cordingely & DK Openshaw +4tp
Bamford beat Cordingley +16
Mulliner lost to Openshaw -21
S Davis (NZL) beat GJ Bennett +16tp
J Dyer lost to MEW Heap -17
Davis lost to Heap -9
Dyer beat Bennett +17tp