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Shrewsbury beat Cheltenham 5-2

[<<] [>>] by Brian Christmas at Cheltenam
5 Aug 2008 (AC - Longman Cup)

Shrewsbury beat Cheltenham 5-2 to go through to the semifinal

Match Scores

Names of Cheltenham players first (Handicaps in brackets)

Gordon Weir (5) & John Wells (10) lost to Sean Sheridan (5) & Graham Colclough (12) -17
Tony Forbes (4.5) beat Stuart Ray (14) +2
Les Bowker (5) lost to Brian Christmas (5) -3

Tony Forbes beat Brian Christmas +2
Les Bowker lost to Sean Sheridan -2
Gordon Weir lost to Graham Colclough -17
John Wells lost to Stuart Ray -13

This was a good spirited and very closely contested match where the result of no less than four games could easily have gone either way.


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