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Dick Knapp wins 'What is Croquet?' Competition

[<<] [>>] by Jeff Dawson
29th January 2009 (Other News)

Dick Knapp has won the 'What is Croquet' competition ran at the end of last year and wins the case of wine.

His winning description is as follows:


People have said to me, "If I had known how much I was going to enjoy croquet, I'd have started it much sooner, even if it meant cutting down on some other activity". Croquet is an unusual sport because it does not require strength, speed, agility or endurance - traits which most better-known sports require in varying degrees. Like snooker, a sport to which it is closely allied, croquet requires hand-eye co-ordination, concentration and the ability to plan ahead and think strategically. Lest I give the impression that athletic ability is detrimental to the development of a croquet player, I should point out that in the UK we count a former Junior Wimbledon tennis champion among our avid players and in the US the four-times national croquet champion was a world class tennis player and a 2 handicap golfer.

While many think of croquet as a game for older people it's worth noting that, in croquet, like most other sports, the top players are in their teens, twenties and thirties. It is possible that one of the reasons croquet is weighted towards older players is because many people take it up after they have sustained injuries which prevent them from continuing with their primary sport but, because the competitive spirit burns bright, they turn to croquet as an alternative. There are more than 175 open tournaments in the UK over the course of the season.

Croquet is a game which is stimulating, competitive and fun. So, if you're looking for an activity which satisfies your competitive instincts, or just fancy a knock around the lawn on a Sunday afternoon, contact the Croquet Association and they will provide you with a list of clubs in your area. Croquet. Try it, you might like it!!


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