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CA AGM - 17th October - Agenda

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
10th August 2009 (CqE Official News)

The Annual General Meeting of the Croquet Association will take place at the Hurlingham Club on Saturday 17th October 2009 commencing at 11.00 a.m.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held on Saturday 11th October 2008

The minutes are in the documents section of the members' area of the CA Website and will be sent to Home Members on written request to the office.

3. Chairman's Report

4. Accounts for the Year to December 2008 and Treasurer's Report

These accounts and brief commentary were published in the Croquet Gazette. Copies will be available at the meeting and a more comprehensive report will be sent to Home members on written request to the office.

5. Election of President

Mr. R. Q. Barrett has been nominated by Mrs. P. Duke-Cox and seconded by Mr. B. A. Keen;
Mr. D. K. Openshaw has been nominated by Mr. S. N. Mulliner and seconded by Mr. A. B. Hope.

A ballot of Individual Associates will be held before the meeting, for which a ballot paper and election addresses are published in the August edition of the Croquet Gazette. Alternatively, a facility to vote electronically is provided on the CA website. Votes must be received by the CA Office no later than 7th October.

6. Election of Hon. Secretary

Dr. I. G. Vincent offers himself for re-election.

7. Election of Hon. Treasurer

Dr R. W. Bray offers himself for re-election

8. Election of Reporting Accountant

9. Changes to the Constitution

Changes to the Constitution proposed by Council, together with a ballot paper, are published in the August edition of the Croquet Gazette. Both Individual Associates and Member Clubs may vote on them by post or at the meeting. Individual Associates may alternatively vote electronically on the CA website. Votes before the meeting must be received by the CA Office no later than 7th October.

10. Election of Council Members

The following four members of Council retire by rotation and seek re-election under clause 18 (a)(i): Mr. J. P. Dawson, Mrs. P. Duke-Cox, Mr. R. F. Hoskyns. and Dr. T. M. King. Mr. J. Isaacs has resigned with effect from the date of the meeting. Mr. B. A. Keen has been proposed by Mr. C. J. Irwin and seconded by Mrs. L. Frost, so there are 5 candidates for 5 vacancies and an election is not required.

11. Benefactors' Book

The names of benefactors will be read.

12. Presentation of Trophies for the Most Improved Players

13. Presentation of Lifetime Coaching Award to Mr. C. Jones

14. Presentation to Mr. J. P. Dawson for Service as Commercial Manager

15. Presentation of Croquet Association Diplomas

16. Any Other Business

17. President's Closing Address

Dr. I. G. Vincent
Hon. Secretary
18th July, 2009


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