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Colchester beat Bowdon 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Robert Fulford at Colchester
27th September 2009 (AC - Inter-Club)

Colchester beat Bowdon to reach next weekend's final of the inter-club

Bowdon took a 2-1 lead into lunch having won two tight matches at 3 and
4, Michael Heap and Steve Lewis having a 3.75 hour tussle.

Colchester came back strongly with quick wins for Mark Avery and Robert
Fulford. Jonathan Hills had the advantage over Steve but missed a short
roquet at penult on his second break and Steve completed an accurate

This left Michael playing Ken Cooper to decide the match. With Ken still
on 1 and 1, on his second break Michael found a very unusual way to
make an error. With two pioneers close to 1-b, Michael chose to rush out
a pioneer to 2-b and ended up in the jaws of the hoop. He took off as best
he could to leave an 8 yarder but missed leaving Ken a short roquet and a
ball in his hoop. Ken went to 4-b and was soon on a triple, but with the
first peel through, missed a hampered roquet after 4. Michael had a good
go at an STP finishing on rover and peg but left a 13 yard double for Ken.
Ken failed to make contact and Michael finished.

Final Scores

Robert Fulford and Mark Avery beat David Walters and Colin Irwin +21
Jonathan Hills lost to Ken Cooper -6
Michael Heap lost to Steve Lewis -4
Robert Fulford beat David Walters +25TP
Mark Avery beat Colin Irwin +26TP
Jonathan Hills lost to Steve Lewis -7TP
Michael Heap beat Ken Cooper +12


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