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Surbiton beat Colchester to win the Inter-Club Championship 6-3

[<<] [>>] by Samir Patel at Surbiton
4th October 2009 (AC - Inter-Club)



1. Robert Fulford
2. Mark Avery
3. Jonathan Hills
4. Steve Woolnough


1. Stephen Mulliner
2. Samir Patel
3. Chris Farthing
4. Tim Wilkins


Round 1

Avery & Hills lost to Patel & Farthing -26
Fulford & Woolhough lost to Mulliner & Wilkins -7otp(F)

Lawns 11 seconds; cnoditions mainly overcast with no wind. Warm enough in play, but chilly if sitting out for long periods.

Samir and Chris' doubles win was first to finish and a "no croquet" contest, with some early shooting after a defensive opening, before Samir went to 4-back with NSL and Chris managing one peel of his TP attempt with a cross-peg leave; in the other Tim failed hoop 3 on a TP from which Robert TPO'd Stephen. Steve had the 3-ball game won before failing 2-back on a break from which Tim gratefully finished.

Colchester 0 - 2 Surbiton

Round 2

Fulford & Avery beat Mulliner & Patel +26tp(A)
Hills lost to Wilkins -6
Woolnough lost to Farthing -26tp

From a supershot from Mark and an East boundary response from Stephen, Rob went round fifth turn, and Mark finshed in seventh. Chris had a tidy 26tp no croquet win against Steve. Jonathan and Tim had much more interaction, with numerous chances taken and failed by both players before Tim snuck through +6.

Round 3

Fulford lost to Mulliner -5tp
Avery beat Patel +15tp
Hills beat Farthing +26
Woolnough lost to Wilkins -5

Jonathan beat Chris +26 in three breaks with no peels. Chris's third no-croquet game of the day, although he did win two of them! Samir and Mark had some missing early from a supershot opening before Samir went round 5th turn, Mark hit the NSL from corner III, Samir hit the next NSL before getting hampered after hoop 2 (the only error in any of Samir or Mark's games fromt he day) from which Mark finished.

Robert hit fourth turn from a supershot opening by Stephen, and after a missed tea-lady, Rob advanced to jawsing his 2-back peel after hoop 1. However, a series of poor strokes manouvering peelee in front of 3-back resulted in that peel having to wait until before 2-back and Rob eventually only jawsed penult straight and missed a 10 yard return after jumping the hoop himself. A missed NSL later, and Stephen wrapped up the game +5tp and match 5-3.

Steve and Tim closed out procedings with a second interactive game for Tim +5.


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