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Suffolk gain entry to the GC Inter-County Championship 2010

[<<] [>>] by Bill Arliss at Southwick
16 Feb 2010 (AC - Championships)

There were thirteen entries for the twelve places in this year's event. Newcomers Suffolk registered their interest and under the current regulations, the place had to be allocated by either play-off or ballot between the new entry and last years bottom team which was Cornwall/Devon. As a play-off could not be arranged, a ballot was held last weekend and Suffolk were successful.

If any GC player is eligible for Suffolk and would like to be considered for the team, please contact the County Organiser, Dick Strover (Contact details on Tournament pages).

Would all players please note that the event will be slightly earlier this year on 4/5 Sept to avoid a clash with the AC Eights.

Bill Arliss
Tournament Director


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