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Tournament Regulations Updated

[<<] [>>] by Samir Patel
8th March 2010 (CqE Official News)

The annual update of Tournament Regulations has taken place in advance of the 2010 season. As well as a number of clarifications and simplifications, a few regulations have been modified in the light on incidents during the 2009 playing season. The full regulations can be found in the Tournament section of the CA Website.

The Tournament Regulations are arranged in a number of sections:

  • I. Introduction
  • C. Clubs and other Tournament Organisers
  • F. Formats for Events
  • H. Handicaps
  • M. the Manager
  • O. Officials
  • P. Players
  • R. Referees
  • T. Time Limits

It is recommended that club organisers, tournament managers, referees and players familiarise themselves with the relevant sections which are intended to provide a consistent approach to all UK fixture book events.

The principal changes made since the 2009 edition are:

  • C2b - Permitted forms of play - Regulation simplified whist ensuring that all approved variations of association and golf croquet are permitted.
  • M2e - Withdrawals - New regulation to clarify the actions open to a manager in the event of a withdrawal or disqualification.
  • M2f - Late Entries - New regulation to clarify the actions open to a manager in the event of a late entry.
  • Appendix 3 and Appendix 4 - Modifications to clarify definitions of event titles such as "Open" and "Championship" in advance of more rigorous application from 2011.
  • P1 - Eligibility to compete in calendar fixtures - Men's and Women's Championships removed (previously included in error).
  • I1 - Introduction - References to separate CA and WCF laws for Golf Croquet removed
  • F1 - Knockout Events - Clarification made that in the event of an incorrect (or withdrawn) entry in the draw, the manager may, if time permits, re-do the draw. If time does not permit, the incorrect (or withdrawn) entry is struck out.
  • R8 Golf Croquet Referees - Content removed and replaced with a reference to Golf Croquet Law 15 in the preamble to regulation R.
  • T2 Expiry of Time Limit - Modified to deal with the circumstance of a player faulting or declaring his last stroke before (or while) time is called.


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