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Development Grants of £150,000 Awarded

[<<] [>>] by Barry Keen
29th March 2010 (Other News)

Are you thinking of making changes to your club facilities - another lawn, or improvements to your clubhouse but have been put off by the costs? Do you know that the CA has funds available to help? Provided that your proposed improvements meet our conditions the CA can give up to £5,000 towards the costs of your project.

To give you some idea of the amounts of money available, in the last 9 years, 67 grants have been awarded totalling £138,000. The development grants scheme has now been in operation for 20 years and £150,000 has been distributed to clubs of all types and sizes throughout the country.

The CA also gives start up grants to new clubs in the form of a set of equipment including balls and mallets for one lawn. These grants have been available since 2005 and have helped 28 new clubs to be formed.

If you are thinking of improving your club or are aware of the possibility of a new club, please contact the CA office or myself for further information or advice. I look forward to the Development Committee being able to help you in the near future.


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