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Ryde lost to Hurlingham 0-7

[<<] [>>] by Richard Hoskyns at Ryde Croquet Club
24th May 2010 (GC - Inter-Club)

On a very hot Monday 24th May, the Hurlingham team took the hovercraft to Ryde on the Isle of Wight where the team received excellent hospitality and rather ungraciously beat their hosts by seven matches to nil.

Results (Hurlingham Names First):


Nelson Morrow (0) & Thomas Coles (1) beat Roy Tillcock (1) & Robin Thornton (2) 7-4, 7-5
David G Nicholson (2) beat Richard Harris (4) 7-3, 7-3 Richard Hoskyns (2) beat Alan Truckel (2) 7-5, 6-7, 7-3


Nelson Morrow beat Roy Tillcock 7-5, 7-5
Thomas Coles beat Robin Thornton 7-6, 3-7, 7-5
David G Nicholson beat Alan Truckel 7-2, 5-7, 7-1
Richard Hoskyns beat Richard Harris 7-1, 6-7, 7-2


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