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Watford beat Surbiton 5-2

[<<] [>>] by Simon Hathrell at Watford Croquet Club
12 Jun 2010 (AC - Longman Cup)

Watford BEAT Surbiton 5-2 in the Longman Cup


(Watford names first):

John Smallbone (4.5) & Peter Chadwick (18) beat David Roscombe-King (4.5) & John Dawson (7) +1T
Robin Barry (16) beat Martin Burger (6) +25
Alan Clark (16) beat Nigel Graves (9)+5

John Smallbone (4.5) beat David Roscombe-King (4.5)+16
Alan Clark (16) lost to Martin Burger (6)+6
Robin Barry (16) beat John Dawson (7) +3
Peter Chadwick (18) Lost to Nigel Graves (9) +5T

The game between Robin Barry and John Dawson would probably have gone the other way but for a mistake by John when he accidentally pegged himself out as well while pegging out one of Robin's balls, leaving himself trailing by a few hoops in a 2-ball end-game.


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